کتاب های Bengt Åke

Analytical Variations – Eight Critical Essays on Applied Music Theory
Bengt Edlund, 2020
Foreign Policies of Northern Europe
Bengt Sundelius, 2019
L'idea russa. Da Dostoevskij a Putin
Bengt Jangfeldt, 2022
The Committed Neutral: Sweden's Foreign Policy
Bengt A. Sundelius, 2019
Pannovation and the Gatefree Space
Jan Rollof, Bengt Johansson, 2013
Light Water Reactor Safety
Bengt Pershagen, 1989
Complex Variables and Analytic Functions: An Illustrated Introduction
Bengt Fornberg, Cécile Piret, 2019
Michael Psellus: Theologica. Volume II
Michael Psellus; John Duffy; Bengt Lofstedt, 2013
Mot bättre vetande i matematik
Andrejs Dunkels, Bengt Klefsjö, Ingemar Nilsson, Reinhold Näslund, 2002
Axel Munthe: The Road to San Michele
Bengt Jangfeldt, 2008
Flora Nordica
Bengt Jonsell, T. Karlsson, 2000
Majakovskij. Una vita in gioco
Bengt Jangfeldt, 2022
Witchcraft and Magic in Europe, Vol. 2 : Ancient Greece and Rome
Bengt Ankarloo; Stuart Clark, 1999