کتاب های Bent

Making Social Science Matter
Bent Flyvbjerg, 2001
Algebraic and Analytic Methods in Representation Theory
Bent Orsted, 1996
Algebraic and Analytic Methods in Representation Theory
Bent Orsted, 1996
Project Management for Engineering and Construction
James A. Bent, 1994
Life of George Bent written from his letters
George Bent, 1968
Ulve, får og vogtere: Den Kolde Krig i Danmark 1945-1991
Bent Jensen, 2014
Der Huf des Teufels
Bent Ohle, 2013
Totenflut: Thriller
Bent Ohle, 2013
Intellectual Property Rights in Biotechnology Worldwide
Stephen A Bent, 1987
Counterpoint, Composition and Musica Ficta
Margaret Bent, 2002
Analisi musicale
I. Bent, W. Drabkin, 1990
Magister Jacobus de Ispania, Author of the Speculum musicae
Margaret Bent, 2016
Historical Dictionary of the Welfare State
Bent Greve, 2014
A Companion to Yi Jing Numerology and Cosmology
Bent Nielsen, 2003
Online Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization
Pascal Van Hentenryck, Russell Bent, 2006
Concurrent Aerobic and Strength Training: Scientific Basics and Practical Applications
Moritz Schumann; Bent R. Rønnestad, 2018
Public Painting and Visual Culture in Early Republican Florence
George R. Bent, 2017
The Theory of Dispersion Models
Bent Jorgensen, 1997
Bent Larsen’s good move guide
Larsen, Bent, 1982
ZOOM 001 : zero hour for operative opening models
Larsen, Jørgen Bent; Zeuthen, Steffen, 1979
Les coups de maître aux échecs
Lohéac-Ammoun, Frank; Larsen, Bent, 1999
Larsen, Bent; Pomares, José M., 1978
Economic Modeling and Inference
Bent Jesper Christensen; Nicholas M. Kiefer