کتاب های Bernard Ross

New American Streamline Departures - Beginner: Departures Teacher's Book (New American Streamline)
Bernard Hartley, Peter Viney, 1994
Streamline Departures - student`s book (Streamline)
Peter Viney, Bernard Hartley, 2004
Streamline English (1981)
Bernard Hartley, Peter Viney,, 1981
Streamline English Departures - workbook
Bernard Hartley, Peter Viney, 2004
Streamline English Departures - workbook
Bernard Hartley, Peter Viney, 2005
Streamline English Destinations - student`s book
Bernard Hartley, Peter Viney, 1997
Streamline English Directions, Student s book (1985)
Bernard Hartley, Peter Viney, 1985
Advanced Concepts in Adaptive Signal Processing
W. Kenneth Jenkins, Andrew W. Hull, Jeffrey C. Strait, Bernard A. Schnaufer, Xiaohui Li (auth.), 1996
Energy Transfer Processes in Condensed Matter
J. E. Bernard, D. E. Berry, F. Williams (auth.), Baldassare Di Bartolo (eds.), 1985
Happiness Quantified: A Satisfaction Calculus Approach
Bernard van Praag, Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell, 2008
Allgemeine Physiologie der Pflanzenzelle / General Physiology of the Plant Cell
H. J. Bogen (auth.), Dr. med. Günther F. Bahr, Dr. Hans J. Bogen, Dr. Leo Brauner, Professor Dr. Erwin Bünning, Professor Dr. T. Caspersson, Professor Dr. phil. Runar Collander, Dr. H. B. Currier, Professor Dr. Horst Drawert, Professor Dr. Franz Duspiva, Dr. Frank Eberhardt, Dr. Emanuel Epstein, Dozent Dr. Hermann Fischer, Dr. R. J. Helder, Dozent Dr. Heinz Kern, Docent Dr. med. Georg Klein, Dr. Paul J. Kramer, Dr. J. Levitt, Dr. Bernard S. Meyer, Dr. Adèle Millerd, K. Paech, Dr. R. N. Robertson, 1956
Pflanze und Wasser / Water Relations of Plants
O. Stocker (auth.), Dr. M. J. Adriani, Docent Dr. H. C. Aslyng, Professor Dr. Hans Burström, Dr. Rudolf Geiger, Dr. Fritz Gessner, Univ.-Professor Dr. Otto Härtel, Dr. Bruno Huber, Dr. Magdalena Hülsbruch, Professor Dr. rer. nat. Kurt Kalle, Dr. H. Kern, Dr. Ch. Killian, o. Hochschul-Professor Dr. Josef G. Kisser, Dr. Paul J. Kramer, Dr. Georges Lemée, Dr. J. Levitt, Dr. Bernard S. Meyer, Professor Dr. Kurt Mothes, Dr. Arthur Pisek, Professor Dr. Franz Ruttner, Dr. M. G. Stålfelt, Dr. Walter Sti, 1956
Descartes: Meditations on First Philosophy: With Selections from the Objections and Replies
René Descartes, John Cottingham, Bernard Williams, 1996
American Psychology and Schools: A Critique
Seymour Bernard Sarason, 2001
Combustion, Flames and Explosions of Gases
Bernard Lewis and Guenther von Elbe (Auth.), 1987
Combustion, Flames and Explosions of Gases
Bernard Lewis (Auth.), 1961
Chile & Easter Island
Carolyn McCarthy, Jean Bernard Carillet, Kevin Raub, Greg Benchwick, 2009
The Major Languages of South Asia, the Middle East and Africa (Major Languages)
Bernard Comrie, 1990
Analytical Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry: A Laboratory Guide
Dr. Gerhard Schlemmer, Dr. Bernard Radziuk (auth.), 1997
Test Bank for College Algebra
Bernard Kolman, Arnold Shapiro and Michael L. Levitan (Auth.), 1985
Test Bank for Precalculus. Functions and Graphs
Bernard Kolman, Arnold Shapiro and Michael L. Levitan (Auth.), 1984
Hemodynamic Monitoring Using Echocardiography in the Critically Ill
Philippe Vignon, Paul Mayo (auth.), Daniel de Backer, Bernard P. Cholley, Michel Slama, Antoine Vieillard-Baron, Philippe Vignon (eds.), 2011