کتاب های Bernd

Introduction to Modern Portfolio Optimization with NuOPT, S-PLUS and S+Bayes
Bernd Scherer, R. Douglas Martin, 2005
Auditory and Vestibular Research: Methods and Protocols
Bernd Sokolowski, 2016
Endokrinologie und Diabetes (Fallorientierte Einführung in die klinische Medizin, Band 2)
Bernd Balletshofer, Baptist Gallwitz, Karsten Müssig, 2009
Kompaktwissen Gefäßchirurgie: Differenzierte Diagnostik und Therapie
Bernd Luther, 2010
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 1999: Algorithmen — Systeme — Anwendungen Proceedings des Workshops am 4. und 5. März 1999 in Heidelberg
Andreas Herzog, Bernd Michaelis, Katharina Braun, Henning Scheich (auth.), Harald Evers, Gerald Glombitza, Hans-Peter Meinzer, Thomas Lehmann (eds.), 1999
Intelligent Information Processing: IFIP 17th World Computer Congress — TC12 Stream on Intelligent Information Processing August 25–30, 2002, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Hans Akkermans (auth.), Mark A. Musen, Bernd Neumann, Rudi Studer (eds.), 2002
Experiential Marketing: How to Get Customers to Sense, Feel, Think, Act, Relate
Bernd H. Schmitt, 1999
Kulturmarketing (Reihe: Kunst- und Kulturmanagement)
Bernd Günter, Andrea Hausmann, 2009
Advanced Applications of NMR to Organometallic Chemistry
Marcel Gielen, Rudolph Willem, Bernd Wrackmeyer, 1996
Houben-Weyl Methods in Organic Chemistry: Organo-Fluorine Compounds WORKBENCH EDITION
Bernd Baasner, H. Hagemann, J.-C. Tatlow, 2000
Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics
Bernd A. Hess (Ed.), 2003
Digital Image processing
Bernd Jähne, 1997
Digital image processing
Bernd Jähne, 2002
Digital Image Processing
Bernd Jähne, 2002
Digital Image Processing
Bernd Jähne, 2002
Digital Image Processing (With CD-ROM)
Bernd Jähne, 2002
Digital Image Processing, 6th Revised and Extended Edition
Bernd Jahne, 1997
Digital Image processing.6th.ed
Bernd Jähne, 1997
Spatio-Temporal Image Processing: Theory and Scientific Applications
Bernd Jähne (eds.), 1993
Pattern Recognition: 29th DAGM Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany, September 12-14, 2007. Proceedings
Ferid Bajramovic, Joachim Denzler (auth.), Fred A. Hamprecht, Christoph Schnörr, Bernd Jähne (eds.), 2007
Informed Watermarking
Joachim Eggers, Bernd Girod, 2002
Informed Watermarking
Joachim Eggers, Bernd Girod, 2002
A Comparative Grammar of British English Dialects, Volume 1: Agreement, Gender, Relative Clauses
Bernd Kortmann (ed.), Tanja Herrmann (ed.), Lukas Pietsch (ed.), Susanne Wagner (ed.), 2005
Access VBA Codebook
Bernd Held, 2005