کتاب های Bibi Van Den Berg (editor)

Querencia: Reflections on the New Mexico Homeland
Vanessa Fonseca-Chávez (editor), Levi Romero (editor), Spencer R. Herrera (editor), 2020
The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law
Cathryn Costello (editor), Michelle Foster (editor), Jane McAdam (editor), 2021
The Era of Nanotechnology: Emergence and Essentials
Cherry Bhargava (editor), Pardeep Kumar Sharma (editor), Amit Sachdeva (editor), 2021
Legitimacy Issues of the European Union in the Face of Crisis: Dimitris Tsatsos in memoriam
Lina Papadopoulou (editor), Ingolf Pernice (editor), Joseph HH Weiler (editor), 2017
Trans Historical: Gender Plurality before the Modern
Greta LaFleur (editor), Masha Raskolnikov (editor), Anna Klosowska (editor), 2021
Expanding Perspectives on Human Rights in Africa
M. Raymond Izarali (editor), Oliver Masakure (editor), Bonny Ibhawoh (editor), 2019
Modeling and Practice of Erosion and Sediment Transport under Change
Hafzullah Aksoy (editor), Gil Mahé (editor), Mohamed Meddi (editor), 2019
Approaches, Advances and Applications in Sustainable Development of Smart Cities
Tan Yigitcanlar (editor), Hoon Han (editor), MD (Liton) Kamruzzaman (editor), 2020
Routledge Macedonian-English Dictionary
Peter Hill (editor), Suncica Mircevska (editor), Kevin Windle (editor), 1998
Sustainable Investing: A Path to a New Horizon
Herman Bril (editor), Georg Kell (editor), Andreas Rasche (editor), 2020
Big Data and Mobility as a Service
Haoran Zhang (editor), Xuan Song (editor), Ryosuke Shibasaki (editor), 2021
Reading Science Fiction
James Gunn (editor), Marleen S. Barr (editor), Matthew Candelaria (editor), 2008
Anglicizing America: Empire, Revolution, Republic
Ignacio Gallup-Diaz (editor), Andrew Shankman (editor), David J. Silverman (editor), 2015
Comics and Adaptation
Benoît Mitaine (editor), David Roche (editor), Isabelle Schmitt-Pitiot (editor), Aarnoud Rommens, David Roche, 2018
Comics and Adaptation
Benoît Mitaine (editor), David Roche (editor), Isabelle Schmitt-Pitiot (editor), Aarnoud Rommens, David Roche, 2018
Artificial Intelligence for Materials Science (Springer Series in Materials Science, 312)
Yuan Cheng (editor), Tian Wang (editor), Gang Zhang (editor), 2021
Artificial Intelligence for Materials Science (Springer Series in Materials Science, 312)
Yuan Cheng (editor), Tian Wang (editor), Gang Zhang (editor), 2021
Big Data Analytics in Cognitive Social Media and Literary Texts: Theory and Praxis
Sanjiv Sharma (editor), Valiur Rahaman (editor), G. R. Sinha (editor), 2021
From the Margins to the Mainstream: Institutionalising Minorities in South Asia
Hugo Gorringe (editor), Roger Jeffery (editor), Suryakant Waghmore (editor), 2016
Numerical Geometry, Grid Generation and Scientific Computing: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, NUMGRID 2020 / Delaunay 130, ... Computational Science and Engineering, 143)
Vladimir A. Garanzha (editor), Lennard Kamenski (editor), Hang Si (editor), 2021
Research Handbook on International Water Law (Research Handbooks in International Law series)
Stephen C. McCaffrey (editor), Christina Leb (editor), Riley T. Denoon (editor), 2019
Research Handbook on International Water Law
Stephen C. McCaffrey (editor), Christina Leb (editor), Riley T. Denoon (editor), 2019
Self-Directed Learning: An imperative for education in a complex society
Elsa Mentz (editor), Dorothy Laubscher (editor), Jako Olivier (editor), 2021
Technovisuality: Cultural Re-enchantment and the Experience of Technology
Helen Grace (editor), Amy Chan Kit-Sze (editor), Wong Kin Yuen (editor), 2015