کتاب های Bing Tian Dai (eds.)

Income and Wealth Distribution, Inequality and Poverty: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Income Distribution by Size: Generation, Distribution, Measurement and Applications, Held at the University of Pavia, Italy, September 28–30, 1989
Camilo Dagum (auth.), Prof. Camilo Dagum, Prof. Michele Zenga (eds.), 1990
People and Computers XIX — The Bigger Picture: Proceedings of HCI 2005
Ylva Fernaeus, Jakob Tholander (auth.), Tom McEwan MSc, PgCert, MBCS, CITP, Ceng, ILTM, Jan Gulliksen MSc, PhD, David Benyon BSc, MSc, PhD (eds.), 2006
The Soldier and the State in South America: Essays in Civil-Military Relations
Patricio Silva (eds.), 2001
Designing the European Model
Seppo Honkapohja, Frank Westermann (eds.), 2009
Limits and Problems of Taxation
Finn R. Førsund, Seppo Honkapohja (eds.), 1985
100 unter 1 Milliarde: Gespräche mit Chinesen über Alltagsleben, Hoffnungen und Ängste
Wenshu Xue (auth.), Liu Bingwen, Xiong Lei (eds.), 1989
Aerosol Pollution Impact on Precipitation A Scientific Review
Leonard A. Barrie, Ulrike Lohmann (auth.), Zev Levin, William R. Cotton (eds.), 2008
2004 New and Renewable Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development: Evora, Protugal, 28 June-1 July 2004
Maria da Graca Carvalho, Naim Hamdia Afgan (eds.), 2007
Biofuels, Solar and Wind as Renewable Energy Systems: Benefits and Risks
David Songstad, Prakash Lakshmanan, John Chen, William Gibbons, Stephen Hughes (auth.), Dwight Tomes, Prakash Lakshmanan, David Songstad (eds.), 2008
Biofuels: Global Impact on Renewable Energy, Production Agriculture, and Technological Advancements
David Songstad, Prakash Lakshmanan, John Chen, William Gibbons, Stephen Hughes (auth.), Dwight Tomes, Prakash Lakshmanan, David Songstad (eds.), 2011
Energy Resources and Systems: Volume 1: Fundamentals and Non-Renewable Resources
Tushar K. Ghosh, Mark A. Prelas (eds.), 2009
Fuels and Energy from Renewable Resources
David A. Tillman (Eds.), 1977
Thermal Power Plant Performance Analysis
Gilberto Francisco Martha de Souza (auth.), Gilberto Francisco Martha de Souza (eds.), 2012
Thermal Power Plant Performance Analysis
Gilberto Francisco Martha de Souza (auth.), Gilberto Francisco Martha de Souza (eds.), 2012
High Concentrator Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Engineering and Power Plants
Pedro Pérez-Higueras, Eduardo F. Fernández (eds.), 2015
Power Plant Engineering
Lawrence F. Drbal (auth.), Lawrence F. Drbal, Patricia G. Boston, Kayla L. Westra (eds.), 1996
24. Tagung vom 13. bis 16. September 1972 in Hannover
H.-K. Büscher (auth.), Reinhard Nagel (eds.), 1973
27. Tagung vom 1. bis 4. Oktober 1975 in Düsseldorf
D. Zoedler (auth.), Reinhard Nagel (eds.), 1976
A Companion to the American Short Story
Alfred Bendixen, James Nagel (eds.), 2010
Analysis, Control and Optimal Operations in Hybrid Power Systems: Advanced Techniques and Applications for Linear and Nonlinear Systems
Amir Ahmarinezhad, Mohammad Abroshan (auth.), Nicu Bizon, Hossein Shayeghi, Naser Mahdavi Tabatabaei (eds.), 2013
Human and Energy Factors in Urban Planning: A Systems Approach: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on “Factors Influencing Urban Design” Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, July 2–13, 1979
P. Laconte, J. Gibson, A. Rapoport (auth.), P. Laconte, J. Gibson, A. Rapoport (eds.), 1982
Mixed Ionic Electronic Conducting Perovskites for Advanced Energy Systems
J. B. Goodenough (auth.), Nina Orlovskaya, Nigel Browning (eds.), 2004
PEM Fuel Cells with Bio-Ethanol Processor Systems: A Multidisciplinary Study of Modelling, Simulation, Fault Diagnosis and Advanced Control
Diego Feroldi, Marta Basualdo, Rachid Outbib (auth.), Marta S. Basualdo, Diego Feroldi, Rachid Outbib (eds.), 2012