کتاب های Bo Jin Phd

Functional Preservation and Quality of Life in Head and Neck Radiotherapy
Weining Zhen MD (auth.), P. M. Harari MD, N. P. Connor PhD, C. Grau MD (eds.), 2009
Basic Principles of Structural Equation Modeling: An Introduction to LISREL and EQS
Ralph O. Mueller PhD (auth.), 1996
ECAT Assay Procedures A Manual of Laboratory Techniques: European Concerted Action on Thrombosis and Disabilities of the Commission of the European Communities
S. G. Thompson, J. M. Thomson (auth.), Jørgen Jespersen MD DSc, Rogier M. Bertina PhD, F. Haverkate MD (eds.), 1992
Grand Central Terminal: Railroads, Engineering, and Architecture in New York City
Professor Kurt C. Schlichting PhD, 2001
Bailey & Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology, 12th Edition (Diagnostic Microbiology (Bailey & Scott's))
Betty A. Forbes PhD D(ABMM) F(AAM), 2007
Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers, Second Edition
D. Winterbone FEngBScPhDDScFIMechEMSAE, 2015
Optimal Real-time Control of Sewer Networks
Magdalene Marinaki PhD, 2005
Aging in East and West: Families, States, and the Elderly
Vern L. Bengtson PhD, 2000
Fundamentals of Continuum Mechanics of Soils
Yehuda Klausner PhD (auth.), 1991
Guide to Applying Human Factors Methods: Human Error and Accident Management in Safety-Critical Systems
Pietro Carlo Cacciabue PhD (auth.), 2004
Endodontics: Principles and Practice, 4e
Mahmoud Torabinejad DMDMSDPhD, 2008
Adopting in China: A Practical Guide An Emotional Journey
Kathleen Wheeler PhD, 1999
Compensation Systems for Low Temperature Applications
Błażej T. Skoczeń (PhD, 2004
Thromboplastin Calibration and Oral Anticoagulant Control
A. M. H. P. van den Besselaar PhD, 1984
A Land Fit for Heroin?: Drug policies prevention and practice
Nicholas Dorn PhD, 1987
Family-Oriented Primary Care
Susan H. McDaniel PhD, 2005
100 Challenging Spinal Pain Syndrome Cases 2nd Edition
Lynton Giles MScPhDDC, 2009
Model Predictive Control
Dr Eduardo F. Camacho PhD, 1999
Strategic Closed-Loop Supply Chain Management
Baptiste Lebreton PhD (auth.), 2007
Methamphetamine Addiction: From Basic Science to Treatment
John M. Roll PhD, 2009
Anticancer, A New Way of Life, New Edition
David Servan-Schreiber MDPhD, 2009