کتاب های Bob Carruthers

Soft tissue augmentation
Alam, Murad; Carruthers, Alastair; Carruthers, Jean, 2018
Child of an Addict
Timia Carruthers [Carruthers, Timia], 2017
Caesar's Conquest of Gaul : The Illustrated
Bob Carruthers, 2012
The Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front
Bob Carruthers, 2015
Images of War Special - Hitler - A Life in Pictures
Bob Carruthers, 2014
Images of War: Hitler’s Propaganda Pilgrimage
Bob Carruthers, 2015
Tigers at War
Bob Carruthers, 2012
Handbook on German Military Forces
Bob Carruthers, 2013
German Artillery in Combat
Bob Carruthers, 2012
The Stuka: Trumpets of Jericho
Bob Carruthers, 2012
The Battle of the Bulge - The First Eight Days
S.L.A. Marshall; Bob Carruthers, 2012
Ten Years at Hitler's Side: The Testimony of Wilhelm Keitel
Bob Carruthers, 2018
Hitler's Violent Youth
Bob Carruthers, 2015
A German deserter's war experience : fighting for the kaiser in the first world war
Julius Koettgen; Bob Carruthers (editor), 2013
Wehrmacht Combat Reports: The Russian Front.
Bob Carruthers, 2013
Hitler's Wartime Orders: The Complete Fuhrer Directives 1939-1945
Bob Carruthers, 2018
Ten Years at Hitler's Side: The Testimony of Wilhelm Keitel
Bob Carruthers, 2018
Hitler's Wartime Conversations: His Personal Thoughts as Recorded by Martin Bormann
Bob Carruthers, 2018
Aeolian Grain Transport: The Erosional Environment
W. S. Weng, J. C. R. Hunt, D. J. Carruthers, A. Warren (auth.), Prof. Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, Prof. Brian B. Willetts (eds.), 1991
Farmer-Financed Irrigation: The Economics of Reform
Leslie E. Small, Ian Carruthers, 1991
Angular momentum in quantum physics: theory and application
L. C. Biedenharn, James D. Louck, Peter A. Carruthers, 2009
Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis
W. Carruthers, Iain Coldham, 2004
1066 and All That: A Memorable History of England
Walter Carruthers Sellar, Robert Julian Yeatman, John Reynolds
Cycloaddition Reactions in Organic Synthesis
W. Carruthers (Eds.), 1990