کتاب های Bob Duke Phd

The Computerised Lawyer: A Guide to the Use of Computers in the Legal Profession
Philip Leith PhD, 1998
The Computerised Lawyer: A Guide to the Use of Computers in the Legal Profession
Philip Leith PhD (auth.), 1991
Ethics and Information Technology: A Case-Based Approach to a Health Care System in Transition
James G. Anderson PhD, 2002
Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Integrating Theory and Evidence-Based Practice
John S. Wodarski PhD, 2002
Denise R. Ferrier PhD, 2013
VEGF in Development
Christiana Ruhrberg PhD (auth.), 2008
Calculus I
Brian Knight PhD, 1975
Camptothecins in Cancer Therapy
Leroy F. Liu PhD, 2005
Imitation and the Social Mind: Autism and Typical Development
Sally J. Rogers PhD, 2006
Imitation and the Social Mind: Autism and Typical Development
Sally J. Rogers PhD, 2006
Philosophy of Science and Its Discontents, Second Edition
Steve Fuller PhD, 1992
Vector Calculus
Paul C. Matthews PhD (auth.), 1998
Wisdom, Intelligence, and Creativity Synthesized
Robert J. Sternberg PhD, 2003
Wisdom: Its Nature, Origins, and Development
Robert J. Sternberg PhD, 1990
Workspace Strategies: Environment as a Tool for Work
Jacqueline C. Vischer PhD (auth.), 1996
Winemaking: From Grape Growing to Marketplace
Richard P. Vine PhD, 2002
Winemaking: From Grape Growing to Marketplace
Richard P. Vine PhD, 2002
Thug Notes: A Street-Smart Guide to Classic Literature
Sparky Sweets PhD, 2015
Essential Assessment Skills for Couple and Family Therapists (The Guilford Family Therapy Series)
Lee Williams PhD LMFT, 2011
Translational Stroke Research: From Target Selection to Clinical Trials
Sara Morales Palomares PhD, 2012
Trafficking Inside Cells: Pathways, Mechanisms and Regulation
Nava Segev PhD (auth.), 2009
Practical Research Methods for Educators: Becoming an Evidence-Based Practitioner
Ennio Cipani PhD, 2009