کتاب های Bob German

Beyond the Biophysical: Knowledge, Culture, and Politics in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management
Laura German, Ritu Verma, Joshua J. Ramisch (auth.), Laura A. German, Joshua J. Ramisch, Ritu Verma (eds.), 2010
Nueva Historia de Colombia
Álvaro Tirado Mejía, Jorge Orlando Melo, Carlos Eduardo Jaramillo Castillo, Eduardo Lemaitre Román, Alfonso López Michelsen, Humberto Vélez Ramírez, Germán Colmenares, Mario Latorre Rueda, Germán Arciniegas, Gustavo Humberto Rodríguez, 1989
Transecto Altitudinal Yuyapichis: Monitoreo de la Biodiversidad y del Cambio Climático. Resultados preliminares
Gabriel Quijandría, Alois Kohler, Katrin Toepfer, Florian Kohler,Reiner Zimmermann, Viviana Horna, Alfredo Neyra, Margot Gonzales,Lily Rodriguez, Luis Valenzuela, Abel Monteagudo, Armin Niessner,Grimaldo Rengifo, German Chávez, Victor Morales, Oscar Gonzalez,Jacob Socolar, German Forero-Medina, Juliane Koepcke de Diller, 2014
SharePoint 2010 Development with Silverlight
Bob German, 2011
SharePoint 2010 Development with Silverlight
Bob German, 2011
SharePoint 2010 Development with Silverlight
Bob German, 2011
A Holocene Sedimentary Record from Lake Silvana, SE Brazil: Evidence for Paleoclimatic Changes from Mineral, Trace-Metal and Pollen Data
Dr. Saulo Rodrigues-Filho, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. German Müller (auth.), 1999
A Holocene Sedimentary Record from Lake Silvana, Se Brazil: Evidence for Paleoclimatic Changes from Mineral, Trace-Metal, and Pollen Data (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences)
Saulo Rodrigues-Filho, German Muller, 1999
Planning and installing bioenergy systems: a guide for installers, architects, and engineers
German Solar Energy Society (DGS), Ecofys, 2005
Ergonomía aplicada
Alberto Cruz Gómez, Germán Andrés Garnica Gaitán, 2010
Steel Heat Treatment Metallurgy and Technologies
edited by German S. Fox-Rabinovich, George E. Totten., 2007
Military Vehicles of the Reichswehr
Wolfgang Fleischer, and towed equipment as used by the German military in the 1920s and early 1930s., trailers, The military vehicles, 2000
Climate Change as a Security Risk
German Advisory Council on Global Change, 2009
Climate Protection Strategies for the 21st Century: Kyoto and beyond - Special Report
German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), 2003
Recommendations of the Committee for Waterfront Structures Harbours and Waterways : EAU 2004
issued by the Committee for Waterfront Structures of the Society for Harbour Engineering and the German Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering., 2006.
1968: the world transformed
Carole Fink, Philipp Gassert, Detlef Junker, German Historical Institute (Washington, D.C.), 1998
1968: the world transformed
Carole Fink, Philipp Gassert, Detlef Junker, German Historical Institute (Washington, D.C.), 1998
Integrated Formal Methods: 6th International Conference, IFM 2007, Oxford, UK, July 2-5, 2007. Proceedings
Nazareno Aguirre, Germán Regis, Tom Maibaum (auth.), Jim Davies, Jeremy Gibbons (eds.), 2007
Grammatik der modernen deutschen Umgangssprache Arabisch
Grammer , German, Deutsch, Arabisch, Arabic,
The Kettenkrad Sd.Kfz.2 - Type HK-101
Friedhelm Abel, This book offers numerous photographs and detailed text concerning one of the more unique German vehicles to be developed., 1991
CAD/CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future: Volume II: Automation of Design, Analysis and Manufacturing
V. Kumar, M. D. German, S.-J. Lee, E. Atrek (auth.), Dr. Birendra Prasad, S. N. Dwivedi, K. B. Irani (eds.), 1989
Planning and Installing Solar Thermal Systems - A Guide for Installers, Architects and Engineers
The German Solar Society, 2005
Planning and Installing Solar Thermal Systems: A Guide for Installers, Architects and Engineers, Second Edition
German Solar Energy Society (DGS), 2010
The Taste of Germany, Contemporary German Cuisine for All Seasons
The German Agricultural Marketing BoardContributors, 2006