کتاب های Boris Orel

Programming TypeScript: Making Your JavaScript Applications Scale
Boris Cherny, 2019
Human Flow: Stories from the Global Refugee Crisis
Weiwei Ai; Boris Cheshirkov; Ryan Heath; Chin-Chin Yap; Hanno Hauenstein, 2020
Manuscripts, Politics and Oriental Studies: Life and Collections of Johann Gottfried Wetzstein (1815-1905) in Context
Boris Liebrenz; Christoph Rauch, 2019
Reinforcement learning algorithms: analysis and applications.
Boris Belousov; Hany Abdulsamad; Pascal Klink; Simone Parisi; Jan Peters, 2021
Cryptography In The Information Society
Ryabko, Boris; Fionov, Andrey;, 2021
Powerlifting Foundations and Methods
Boris Sheiko, Mike Israetel, Derek Wilcox
All-carbon Composites and Hybrids
Oxana V. Kharissova (editor), Boris Kharisov (editor), 2021
Influence of Internal Degrees of Freedom on Electric and Related Molecular Properties
Alexander S. Sharipov; Boris I. Loukhovitski; Ekaterina E. Loukhovitskaya, 2021
Influence of Internal Degrees of Freedom on Electric and Related Molecular Properties
Alexander S. Sharipov; Boris I. Loukhovitski; Ekaterina E. Loukhovitskaya, 2021
Multi-criteria decision analysis : case studies in engineering and the environment
Igor Linkov, Emily Moberg, Benjamin D. Trump, Boris Yatsalo, and Jeffrey M. Keisler, 2021
Il segreto della memoria. Come allenare il nostro cervello per ricordare tutto ciò che ci serve
Nikolai Boris Konrad, 2018
A Concise History of Brazil
Boris Fausto; Sergio Fausto, 2014
Guinness Jazz-zenészek lexikona
Colin Larkin, Boris János, 1993
Guinness Jazz-zenészek lexikona
Colin Larkin, Boris János, 1993
Guinness Jazz-zenészek lexikona
Colin Larkin, Boris János, 1993
Stalin's Agent: The Life and Death of Alexander Orlov
Boris Volodarsky, 2015
Les Âmes bléssées
Boris Cyrulnik, 2014
The Moscow Puzzles: 359 Mathematical Recreations
Boris A. Kordemsky, 2014
1.d4 The Queen's gambit
Boris Leonidovič Avrukh; Andrew Greet (editor); Daniel McGowan (editor), 2016
Hellenism and the Local Communities of the Eastern Mediterranean: 400 BCE-250 CE
Boris Chrubasik; Daniel King, 2017
Integer Algorithms in Cryptology and Information Assurance
Boris S Verkhovsky, 2014
Chemistry of Pyrroles
Boris A. Trofimov, Al'bina I. Mikhaleva, Elena Yu Schmidt, Lyubov N. Sobenina, 2014