کتاب های Bouma
درباره نویسنده

Soil and Water Quality at Different Scales: Proceedings of the Workshop “Soil and Water Quality at Different Scales” held 7–9 August 1996, Wageningen, The Netherlands
J. Bouma, P. A. Finke, M. R. Hoosbeek, A. Breeuwsma (auth.), Peter A. Finke, Johan Bouma, Marcel R. Hoosbeek (eds.), 1998
Handbook of Optical Coherence Tomography
Brett Bouma, 2001
Fine-Grained Turbidite Systems (AAPG Memoir No. 72)
A. H. Bouma, 2000
M. Bouma, 2008
M. Bouma, 2007
Physical Aspects of Colour: An Introduction to the Scientific Study of Colour Stimuli and Colour Sensations
Dr. P. J. Bouma (auth.), 1971
A.H. Bouma, 1964
Submarine Fans and Related Turbidite Systems
Arnold H. Bouma (auth.), 1985
Religious Diversity in Southeast Asia and the Pacific: National Case Studies
Gary D. Bouma, 2010
Religious Diversity in Southeast Asia and the Pacific: National Case Studies
Gary D. Bouma, 2010
Sustainable Banking : The Greening of Finance
Bouma, Jan Jaap; Jeucken, Marcel; Klinkers, Leon, 2017
Semantics of the Modal Auxiliaries in Contemporary German.
Bouma, Lowell, 1973