کتاب های Brad Fogo Ph.d.

Coping Skills Therapy for Managing Chronic and Terminal Illness
Kenneth Sharoff PhD, 2004
Coaching Standardized Patients: For Use in the Assessment of Clinical Competence
Peggy Wallace PhD, 2006
Oncologic Imaging. Essentials of Reporting Common Cancers
Hedvig Hricak, MD, PhD, Janet Husband, OBE, FMedSci, FRCP, FRCR,, 2007
Positron Emission Tomography: Clinical Practice
David W. Townsend PhD (auth.), 2006
Behavioral Consultation and Primary Care: A Guide to Integrating Services
Patricia J. Robinson PhD, 2007
Illustrated Physiology
B. R. Mackenna MB ChB PhD FRCP(Glasg), 1997
Stochastic Learning and Optimization: A Sensitivity-Based Approach
Xi-Ren Cao PhD (auth.), 2007
Realization Probabilities: The Dynamics of Queuing Systems
Xi-Ren Cao PhD (eds.), 1994
Wall and Melzack's Textbook of Pain, Fifth Edition
Stephen McMahon PhD, 2005
Stroke. Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management
J.P. Mohr, MS, MD, Dennis W. Choi, MD, PhD, James C. Grotta, MD, Bryce Weir, OC, MD, FRCSC, FACS, FRCSEd (Hon),, 2004
Handbook of Pain and Palliative Care: Biobehavioral Approaches for the Life Course
Robert J. Gatchel PhD, 2013
Equine Internal Medicine
Stephen M. Reed, DVM, Dipl ACVIM, Warwick M. Bayly, BVSc, MS, PhD, Dipl ACVIM,, 2004
About Bach
Gregory S Butler PhD, 2008
Cliffsnotes Nana
PhD James L. Roberts, 1989
Excel Simulations
Gerard M. Verschuuren PhD, 2013
Down Syndrome: Neurobehavioural Specificity
Jean-Adolphe Rondal PhD, 2006
Biomechanical basis of human movement
Joseph Hamill PhD, 2015
Decision Making in the Manufacturing Environment: Using Graph Theory and Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making Methods
R. Venkata Rao PhD (auth.), 2007
Principles and practice of stress management
Paul M. Lehrer PhD, 2007
Classic Papers in Coronary Angioplasty
Peter F. Bodary PhD, 2006
Maintenance Scheduling in Restructured Power Systems
M. Shahidehpour PhD, 2000
The Millionaire Meditation: Stress Management For Wall Street, Corporate America & Entrepreneurs
PhD Paul B. Farrell, 2006