کتاب های Brigitte Voit

Chemoresponsive materials : stimulation by chemical and biological signals
Hans-Jorg Schneider, Hans-Jorg Schneider, Hans-Jorg Schneider, Mohsen Shahinpoor, Omar Fisher, Mary Moore, N Peppas, Seiji Shinkai, Christoph Schalley, María Vallet-Regi, Akira Harada, Gregory Payne, D Appelhans, Brigitte Voit, Xianghong Qian, S. Ranil Wickramasinghe, Johan Engbersen, O Cayre, Dave Adams, Francesco Puoci, Dennis Löwik, Takashi Miyata, Alexander Sidorenko, Akihisa Shioi, 2015
Porous Carbons – Hyperbranched Polymers – Polymer Solvation
Timothy E. Long, Brigitte Voit, Oguz Okay (eds.), 2015
Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice
Dietrich Braun, Harald Cherdron, Matthias Rehahn, H. Ritter, Brigitte Voit, 2005
Polymer synthesis: theory and practice: fundamentals, methods, experiments
Dietrich Braun, Harald Cherdron, Matthias Rehahn, H. Ritter, Brigitte Voit, 2004
Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice: Fundamentals, Methods, Experiments
Dietrich Braun, Harald Cherdron, Matthias Rehahn, H. Ritter, Brigitte Voit, 2004
Semantic Mashups: Intelligent Reuse of Web Resources
Brigitte Endres-Niggemeyer (auth.), Brigitte Endres-Niggemeyer (eds.), 2013
A branch and cut algorithm for nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programming
Charles Audet, Pierre Hansen, Brigitte Jaumard, 2000
Atlas of the Gulf States
Philippe Cadène, Brigitte Dumortier, 2013
Lesehefte Deutsch als Fremdsprache - Niveaustufe B1: Der Passagier und andere Geschichten
Brigitte Braucek, 2010
Semantic Theories in Europe, 1830-1930: From Etymology to Contextuality
Brigitte Nerlich, 1992
Combinatorial Rigidity
Brigitte Servatius, Herman Servatius Jack Graver, 1993
Configurations from a Graphical Viewpoint
Tomaz Pisanski, Brigitte Servatius, 2013
Cancer du sein : surdiagnostic, surtraitement. A la recherche de nouveaux équilibres: 33es Journées de la Société Française de Sénologie et Pathologie ... novembre 2011, Compte rendu
Brigitte Séradour, Pascal Bonnier, Jocelyne Jacquemier, 2011
Computer Performance Evaluation Modelling Techniques and Tools: 9th International Conference St. Malo, France, June 3–6, 1997 Proceedings
Peter Utton, Brian Hill (auth.), Raymond Marie, Brigitte Plateau, Maria Calzarossa, Gerardo Rubino (eds.), 1997
Computer Performance Evaluation Modelling Techniques and Tools: 9th International Conference St. Malo, France, June 3–6, 1997 Proceedings
Peter Utton, Brian Hill (auth.), Raymond Marie, Brigitte Plateau, Maria Calzarossa, Gerardo Rubino (eds.), 1997
GAG: A Practical Compiler Generator
Uwe Kastens, Brigitte Hutt, Erich Zimmermann (auth.), 1982
Das EEG: Psychophysiologie und Methodik von Spontan-EEG und ereigniskorrelierten Potentialen
Dr. habil. Werner Lutzenberger, Dr. Thomas Elbert, Dr. Brigitte Rockstroh, Prof. Dr. Niels Birbaumer (auth.), 1985
Calculus: Single and Multivariable
Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Andrew M. Gleason, William G. McCallum, Eric Connally, Daniel E. Flath, Selin Kalayci?glu, Brigitte Lahme, Patti Frazer Lock, David O. Lomen, David Lovelock, Guadalupe I. Lozano, Jerry Morris, David Mumford, Brad G. Osgood, Cody L. Patterson, Douglas Quinney, Karen R. Rhea, Adam H. Spiegler, Jeff Tecosky-Feldman, Thomas W. Tucker, 2012
Calculus: Single Variable
Deborah Hughes-Hallett, William G. McCallum, Andrew M. Gleason, Eric Connally, David O. Lomen, Douglas Quinney, Daniel E. Flath, David Lovelock, Karen Rhea, Selin Kalayciôglu, Guadalupe I. Lozano, Adam H. Spiegler, Brigitte Lahme, Brad G. Osgood, Jeff Tecosky-Feldman, Patti Frazer Lock, Cody L. Patterson, Thomas W. Tucker, 2013