کتاب های Brij V. Lal (editor)

The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Pragmatics: Foundations and Interfaces
Dale A. Koike (editor), J. Cesar Felix-Brasdefer (editor), 2020
Interface-Driven Phenomena in Spanish: Essays in Honor of Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach
Melvin González-Rivera (editor), Sandro Sessarego (editor), 2020
Leader Thinking Skills: Capacities for Contemporary Leadership
Michael D. Mumford (editor), Cory A. Higgs (editor), 2019
Mysterium salutis. L'evento salvifico nella comunità di Gesù Cristo (parte III). Azione della grazia di Dio
Johannes Feiner (editor), Magnus Löhrer (editor), 2018
Workers of the Empire, Unite: Radical and Popular Challenges to British Imperialism, 1910s-1960s
Yann Béliardis (editor), Neville Kirk (editor), 2021
The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Approaches to Discourse Analysis
Eric Friginal (editor), Jack A. Hardy (editor), 2020
The Routledge International Handbook of Race, Culture and Mental Health
Roy Moodley (editor), Eunjung Lee (editor), 2020
Cinema of Crisis: Film and Contemporary Europe
Thomas Austin (editor), Angelos Koutsourakis (editor), 2020
Mysterium salutis. L'evento salvifico nella comunità di Gesù Cristo (parte II)
Johannes Feiner (editor), Magnus Löhrer (editor), 1975
De vita solitaria
Francesco Petrarca, Marco Noce (editor), Giorgio Ficara (editor), 1992
Handbook on the Digital Creative Economy
Ruth Towse (editor), Christian Handke (editor), 2013
Mysterium salutis. L'evento Cristo (parte II)
Johannes Feiner (editor), Magnus Löhrer (editor), 1971
Mysterium salutis. L'evento salvifico nella comunità di Gesù Cristo (parte I)
Johannes Feiner (editor), Magnus Löhrer (editor), 1972
Il soggetto scabroso. Trattato di ontologia politica
Slavoj Zizek, Damiano Cantone (editor), Lorenzo Chiesa (editor), 2003
Maritime Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean World
Justin Leidwanger (editor), Carl Knappett (editor), 2018
Sennacherib at the Gates of Jerusalem: Story, History and Historiography
Isaac Kalimi (editor), Seth Richardson (editor), 2014
The Oxford Handbook of the Reception of Aquinas
Matthew Levering (editor), Marcus Plested (editor), 2021
The World of St. Francis of Assisi: Essays in Honor of William R. Cook
Bradley R. Franco (editor), Beth A. Mulvaney (editor), 2015
Jerusalem: Idea and Reality
Tamar Mayer (editor), Suleiman A. Mourad (editor), 2008
Mysterium salutis. L'evento Cristo (parte I)
Johannes Feiner (editor), Magnus Löhrer (editor), 1971
Mysterium salutis. La storia della salvezza prima di Cristo (parte II)
Johannes Feiner (editor), Magnus Löhrer (editor), 1970
Mysterium salutis. La storia della salvezza prima di Cristo (parte I)
Johannes Feiner (editor), Magnus Löhrer (editor), 1969
Mysterium salutis. I fondamenti d'una dogmatica della storia della salvezza (parte II)
Johannes Feiner (editor), Magnus Löhrer (editor), 1968
Mentiras verdaderas : ideología, nacionalismo y represión en Argentina (1916-2015)
Eduardo Sartelli; Eduardo Sartelli (editor); Marina Kabat (editor); Eduardo Sartelli; Marina Kabat, 2017