کتاب های Bruce R. Korf (editor)

Emery and Rimoins Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics and Genomics: Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Gastrointestinal Disorders
Reed E. Pyeritz (editor), Bruce R. Korf (editor), Wayne W. Grody (editor), 2019
Emery and Rimoin’s Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics and Genomics: Perinatal and Reproductive Genetics
Reed E. Pyeritz (editor), Bruce R. Korf (editor), Wayne W. Grody (editor), 2021
Emery and Rimoin's Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics and Genomics: Ophthalmologic, Hearing, Craniofacial, Dermatologic, Connective Tissue, and Skeletal Disorders
Reed E. Pyeritz (editor), Bruce R. Korf (editor), Wayne W. Grody (editor), 2024
Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Vol. 4 (Bergey's Manual/ Systemic Bacteriology (2nd Edition))
Noel R. Krieg (editor), Aidan Parte (editor), Wolfgang Ludwig (editor), William B. Whitman (editor), Brian P. Hedlund (editor), Bruce J. Paster (editor), James T. Staley (editor), Naomi Ward (editor), Daniel Brown (editor), 2010
Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks, Volume 9: Journals NB26–NB30 (Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks, 12)
Søren Kierkegaard, Niels Jørgen Cappelørn (editor), Alastair Hannay (editor), Bruce H. Kirmmse (editor), David D. Possen (editor), Joel Rasmussen (editor), Vanessa Rumble (editor), Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre (editor), 2017
Performance as Research: Knowledge, Methods, Impact
Annette Arlander (editor), Bruce Barton (editor), Melanie Dreyer-Lude (editor), Ben Spatz (editor), 2017
Risk-Based Structural Evaluation Methods: Best Practices and Development of Standards
Ming Liu (editor) & Bruce R. Ellingwood (editor) Michel Ghosn (editor), Graziano Fiorillo (editor), 2019
Mobility Work in Composition
Bruce Horner (editor), Megan Faver Hartline (editor), Ashanka Kumari (editor), Laura Sceniak Matravers (editor), 2021
Cloud IoT Systems for Smart Agricultural Engineering (Chapman & Hall/CRC Internet of Things)
Saravanan Krishnan (editor), J Bruce Ralphin Rose (editor), N R Rajalakshmi (editor), N Narayanan Prasanth (editor), 2022
Research Handbook on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as Human Rights
Jackie Dugard (editor), Bruce Porter (editor), Daniela Ikawa (editor), Lilian Chenwi (editor), 2020
Computer Supported Education: 15th International Conference, CSEDU 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, April 21–23, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science)
Bruce M. McLaren (editor), James Uhomoibhi (editor), Jelena Jovanovic (editor), Irene-Angelica Chounta (editor), 2024
Plant Canopies: Their Growth, Form and Function (Society for Experimental Biology Seminar Series (No. 31))
Graham Russell (editor), Bruce Marshall (editor), Paul G. Jarvis (editor), 1990
Handbook of Game-Based Learning
Jan L. Plass (editor), Richard E. Mayer (editor), Bruce D. Homer (editor), 2020
Microbial Forensics
Bruce Budowle (editor), Steven E. Schutzer (editor), Stephen A. Morse (editor), 2019
The Chicago Food Encyclopedia
Carol Haddix (editor), Bruce Kraig (editor), Colleen Taylor Sen (editor), 2017
Classical and Quantum Dynamics in Condensed Phase Simulations: Proceedings of the International School of Physics, Lerici, Italy, 7-8 July 1997
Bruce J. Berne (editor), Giovanni Ciccotti (editor), David F. Coker (editor), 1998
The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Science of Punishment (Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy)
Farah Focquaert (editor), Elizabeth Shaw (editor), Bruce N. Waller (editor), 2020
Burt and Eklund’s Dentistry, Dental Practice, and the Community, 7e
Amer Assoc of Public Health Dentistry, Ana Karina Mascarenhas (editor), Christopher Okunseri (editor), Bruce Dye (editor), 2020
Ageing in Place: Design, Planning and Policy Response in the Western Asia-Pacific
Bruce Judd (editor), Kenichi Tanoue (editor), Edgar Liu (editor), 2020
Institutional Change in American Politics: The Case of Term Limits
Karl T. Kurtz (editor), Bruce E. Cain (editor), Richard G. Niemi (editor), 2007
The Paradox of a Global USA
Bruce Mazlish (editor), Nayan Chanda (editor), Kenneth Weisbrode (editor), 2007
Youth Community Inquiry: New Media for Community and Personal Growth (New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies)
Bertram Bruce (editor), Ann Peterson Bishop (editor), Nama R. Budhathoki (editor), 2014
Reading Seminar XI: Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis
Richard Feldstein (Editor), Maire Jaanus (Series Editor), Bruce Fink(Series Editor), 1994
Australasian Egyptology Conference 4: Papers from the Fourth Australasian Egyptology Conference Dedicated to Gillian E. Bowen
Colin A. Hope (editor), Carlo Rindi Nuzzolo (editor), Bruce E. Parr (editor), 2023