کتاب های Bruce Rich (auth.)

Security Protocols XXI: 21st International Workshop, Cambridge, UK, March 19-20, 2013, Revised Selected Papers
Bruce Christianson (auth.), 2013
Acoustical Signal Processing in the Central Auditory System
R. Bruce Masterton (auth.), 1997
Advances in Information Retrieval: Recent Research from the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval
W. Bruce Croft (auth.), 2002
Beginning Android C++ Game Development
Bruce Sutherland (auth.), 2013
Water Management in Desert Environments A Comparative Analysis
Dr. Bruce R. Roberts (auth.), 1993
Modelling, Robustness and Sensitivity Reduction in Control Systems
Bruce A. Francis (auth.), 1987
U.S. Organic Dairy Politics: Animals, Pasture, People, and Agribusiness
Bruce A. Scholten (auth.), 2014
Error Detection and Recovery in Robotics
Bruce R. Donald (auth.), 1989
Error Detection and Recovery in Robotics
Bruce R. Donald (auth.), 1989
PET for Drug Development and Evaluation
Dr Bruce Campbell (auth.), 1995
New England Nation: The Country the Puritans Built
Bruce C. Daniels (auth.), 2012
Beyond the Quartic Equation
R. Bruce King (auth.), 2009
Beyond the Quartic Equation
R. Bruce King (auth.), 2009
Bruce King (auth.), 1989
Security Protocols XX: 20th International Workshop, Cambridge, UK, April 12-13, 2012, Revised Selected Papers
Bruce Christianson (auth.), 2012
Physical Oceanography: Developments Since 1950
Bruce A. Warren (auth.), 2006
The Exstrophy—Epispadias Complex: Research Concepts and Clinical Applications
Bruce Slaughenhoupt (auth.), 1999