کتاب های Bruno Zatt
درباره نویسنده

3D Video Coding for Embedded Devices: Energy Efficient Algorithms and Architectures
Bruno Zatt, Muhammad Shafique, Sergio Bampi, Jörg Henkel (auth.), 2013
Biology of Antarctic Fish
G. Hubold (auth.), Professor Dr. Guido di Prisco, Professor Dr. Bruno Maresca, Professor Dr. Bruno Tota (eds.), 1991
Hagenberg research
Bruno Buchberger (auth.), Bruno Buchberger, Michael Affenzeller, Alois Ferscha, Michael Haller, Tudor Jebelean, Erich Peter Klement, Peter Paule, Gustav Pomberger, Wolfgang Schreiner, Robert Stubenrauch, Roland Wagner, Gerhard Weiß, Wolfgang Windsteiger (eds.), 2009
Hagenberg research
Bruno Buchberger (auth.), Bruno Buchberger, Michael Affenzeller, Alois Ferscha, Michael Haller, Tudor Jebelean, Erich Peter Klement, Peter Paule, Gustav Pomberger, Wolfgang Schreiner, Robert Stubenrauch, Roland Wagner, Gerhard Weiß, Wolfgang Windsteiger (eds.), 2009
Guide to Diagnosis and Appraisal of AAR Damage to Concrete in Structures: Part 1 Diagnosis (AAR 6.1)
Bruno Godart, Mario de Rooij (auth.), Bruno Godart, Mario de Rooij, Jonathan G.M. Wood (eds.), 2013
Item Banking: Interactive Testing and Self-Assessment
Prof. Dieudonnè A. Leclercq, Prof. James E. Bruno (auth.), Prof. Dieudonnè A. Leclercq, Prof. James E. Bruno (eds.), 1993
Fluorinated polymers. Volume 1, Synthesis, properties, processing and simulation
Bruno Ameduri, Bruno Ameduri, Hideo Sawada, Hideo Sawada, Ben Zhong Tang, Toshio Masuda, Shohei Yamazaki, Masato Yoshida, Tadashi Narita, Kunio Kimura, Yoshitoni Morizawa, Ilkuo Yamamoto, Shinsuke Inagi, Atsuhiro Fujimori, H. R. Allcock, Harald Kaspar, Susanta Banerjee, Rudy Dams, Walter Navarrini, Doris Pospiech, Sabine Beuermann, James Goldbach, Joseph Thrasher, Armand Soldera, Xiaoyu Huang, 2017
Fluorinated Polymers, Volume 2 - Applications
Bruno Ameduri, Bruno Ameduri, Hideo Sawada, Hideo Sawada, Ben Zhong Tang, Toshio Masuda, Shohei Yamazaki, Masato Yoshida, Tadashi Narita, Kunio Kimura, Yoshitoni Morizawa, Ilkuo Yamamoto, Shinsuke Inagi, Atsuhiro Fujimori, H. R. Allcock, Harald Kaspar, Susanta Banerjee, Rudy Dams, Walter Navarrini, Doris Pospiech, Sabine Beuermann, James Goldbach, Joseph Thrasher, Armand Soldera, Xiaoyu Huang, 2016
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management: Volume 7
Bruno Pinaud, Fabrice Guillet, Bruno Cremilleux, Cyril de Runz (eds.), 2018
Build Your First Ethereum DApp
Bruno Skvorc [Bruno Skvorc], 2018
Hertig, Alexandre; Hurault de Ligny, Bruno; Moulin, Bruno; Peraldi, Marie-Noëlle, DL 2016, 2016
Reims - La cathédrale
demouy patrick,Neiss Robert,Berry william,chauffert-Yvart Bruno,Decrock Bruno,Balcon Sylvie,claude sauvageot, 2000
Reims - La cathédrale
demouy patrick,Neiss Robert,Berry william,chauffert-Yvart Bruno,Decrock Bruno,Balcon Sylvie,claude sauvageot, 2000
Resident Evil : Des zombies et des hommes
Nicolas Courcier; Mehdi El Kanafi, Bruno Provezza; Mehdi Elkanafi; Bruno Provezza; Jaume Balaguero, 2015
Tecnopolíticas da vigilância: Perspectivas da margem
Fernanda Bruno, Bruno Cardoso, Marta Kanashiro, Luciana Guilhon, Lucas Melgaço, 2019
Tecnopolíticas da vigilância: Perspectivas da margem
Fernanda Bruno, Bruno Cardoso, Marta Kanashiro, Luciana Guilhon, Lucas Melgaço, 2019
Tecnopolíticas da vigilância: Perspectivas da margem
Fernanda Bruno, Bruno Cardoso, Marta Kanashiro, Luciana Guilhon, Lucas Melgaço, 2019
Kabala konja pegazovskog uz Dodatak Magarca Kilenca
Giordano Bruno, Đordano Bruno, 2010
Antigen Delivery Systems: Immunological and Technological Issues (Drug Targeting and Delivery)
Bruno Gander, Hans P Merkle, Giampietro Corradin, 1998
DNA Nanotechnology: Methods and Protocols
Chenxiang Lin, Yonggang Ke, Rahul Chhabra, Jaswinder Sharma, Yan Liu (auth.), Giampaolo Zuccheri, Bruno Samorì (eds.), 2011
10th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications
Álvaro Herrero, Javier Sedano, Bruno Baruque, Héctor Quintián, Emilio Corchado (eds.), 2015
Arid Zone Irrigation
M. Fuchs (auth.), Bruno Yaron, Erik Danfors, Yoash Vaadia (eds.), 1973
Adaptation and Evolution in Marine Environments, Volume 2: The Impacts of Global Change on Biodiversity
Stefano Schiaparelli, Bruno Danis, Victoria Wadley, D. Michael Stoddart (auth.), Cinzia Verde, Guido di Prisco (eds.), 2013
Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval. Large-Scale Multimedia Retrieval and Evaluation: 9th International Workshop, AMR 2011, Barcelona, Spain, July 18-19, 2011, Revised Selected Papers
Hisham Mohamed, Marc von Wyl, Eric Bruno, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet (auth.), Marcin Detyniecki, Ana García-Serrano, Andreas Nürnberger, Sebastian Stober (eds.), 2013