کتاب های Byron

Molecular Biology of the Fission Yeast
Anwar Nasim, Dennis E. Buetow, Ian T. Cameron, Paul Young, G. M. Padilla, Byron F. Johnson, 1989
Mr.Kipling's Army
Byron Farwell, 1987
Narrare la malattia. Lo sguardo antropologico sul rapporto medico-paziente
J. Byron Good, 2006
Neurobehavioral Genetics: Methods and Applications, Second Edition
Byron C. Jones (Editor), 2006
Nonaqueous Chemistry
Byron Kratochvil, 1972
Northern Lights: An Anthology of Contemporary Christian Writing in Canada
Byron Rempel-Burkholder, 2008
Northern Lights: An Anthology of Contemporary Christian Writing in Canada
Byron Rempel-Burkholder, 2008
Particle Physics at the New Millenium
Byron P. Roe, 1996
Pfizer Atlas Of Veterinary Clinical Parasitology
Byron L.Blagburn, 2000
Interpreting Mathematical Economics and Econometrics
Byron D. Eastman (auth.), 1984
Irish America
Reginald Byron, 2000
Jewish Ethics for the Twenty-first Century (Library of Jewish Philosophy)
Byron L. Sherwin, 1999
Liberty and Community: The Political Philosophy of William Ernest Hocking
Robert Byron Thigpen (auth.), 1972
Lipases Part B: Enzyme Characterization and Utilization
Byron Rubin, 1997
Lipases, Part A: Biotechnology
Byron Rubin, 1997
Lord Byron (Poet to Poet)
Lord George Gordon Byron, 2007
Managing Leisure
Byron Grainger-Jones, 1999
Mathematics of classical and quantum physics
Frederick W. Byron, 1992
Geography and Social Movements: Comparing Antinuclear Activism in the Boston Area
Byron A. Miller, 2000
Growing Tasty Tropical Plants in Any Home, Anywhere
Byron E. Martin, 2010