کتاب های C. Christine Fair

Social Networks in Political Campaigns:Facebook and the 2006 Midterm Elections
Christine B. Williams,Girish J. ?Jeff? Gulati
Joyce, Derrida, Lacan and the Trauma of History: Reading, Narrative, and Postcolonialism
Christine van Boheemen, 1999
Joyce, Derrida, Lacan and the Trauma of History: Reading, Narrative, and Postcolonialism
Christine van Boheemen-Saaf, 1999
Joyce, Derrida, Lacan and the Trauma of History: Reading, Narrative, and Postcolonialism
Christine van Boheemen, 1999
ALLES was Sie schon immer über Kommunikation wissen wollten
Kathrin Langer, Christine Demmer (auth.), 1994
Flickers of Desire: Movie Stars of the 1910s
Jennifer M. Bean, Richard Abel, Giorgio Bertellini, Mark Cooper, Scott Curtis, Christine Gledhill, Kristen Grant, Rob King, Daisuke Miyao, Anne Morey, Gaylyn Studlar, Kristen Whissel, 2011
The Diaper-Free Baby: The Natural Toilet Training Alternative
Christine Gross-Loh, 2007
The Diaper-Free Baby: The Natural Toilet Training Alternative
Christine Gross-Loh, 2007
Bibliographie des travaux de Pierre Bourdieu
Yvette Delsaut, Marie-Christine Riviere, 2002
Detail in Process
Christine Killory, Rene Davids, 2007
100+ Fun Ideas for Playground Games
Christine Green, 2009
Acculturated: 23 Savvy Writers Find Hidden Virtue in Reality TV, Chic Lit, Video Games, and Other Pillars of Pop Culture
Naomi Shaefer Riley, Christine Rosen (Editors), 2011
Biotherapeutics: Recent Developments using Chemical and Molecular Biology
Lyn H Jones, Andrew J McKnight, David Fox, Peter H Seeberger, Sterghios A Moschos, Christine Power, Edmund Graziani, Rob Liskamp, Ben Davis, Kim Janda, Duncan McGregor, Christian Heinis, Pallavi Tawde, Hilde Revets, John Chaddock, David A Spiegel, Henrik Orum, Partha Chowdhury, David King, 2013
Kama sutra : a position a day 365 days a year
Keilty, Christine; Henderson, Dawn; Blake, Claudia, 2014
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Jeremy L. Peirce, Christine, Ph.d. Collins, Pat Levitt, 2007
Sovereignty, Statehood and State Responsibility: Essays in Honour of James Crawford
Christine Chinkin, Dr Freya Baetens, 2015
500 Smoothies & Juices: The Only Smoothie & Juice Compendium You'll Ever Need
Christine Watson, 2008
500 Tapas. The Only Tapas Compendium You'll Ever Need
Christine Watson, 2013
Controversies in Second Language Writing: Dilemmas and Decisions in Research and Instruction
Christine Pearson Casanave, 2003
Feedback Control of Dynamic Bipedal Robot Locomotion (Automation and Control Engineering)
Eric R. Westervelt, Jessy W. Grizzle, Christine Chevallereau, Jun Ho Choi, Benjamin Morris, 2007
Feedback Control of Dynamic Bipedal Robot Locomotion (Automation and Control Engineering)
Eric R. Westervelt, Jessy W. Grizzle, Christine Chevallereau, Jun Ho Choi, Benjamin Morris, 2007
Environmental and Material Flow Cost Accounting: Principles and Procedures
Christine Jasch (auth.), 2009
Hot Blooded
Christine Feehan, Maggie Shayne, Emma Holly, Angela Knight, 2004