کتاب های C. Van ’t Hof

Handbook for matrix computations
Charles Van Loan, 1988
Handbook for matrix computations
Charles Van Loan, 1988
Welcome to the greenhouse : new science fiction on climate change
Van Gelder, 2012
Libanius: A Critical Introduction
Dr Lieve Van Hoof, 2014
Plutarch's Practical Ethics: The Social Dynamics of Philosophy
Lieve Van Hoof, 2010
Advances in 3D Geoinformation Systems
Rob van Essen (auth.), 2008
Advances in 3D Geoinformation Systems (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography)
Peter van Oosterom, 2007
Creating Spatial Information Infrastructures: Towards the Spatial Semantic Web
Peter van Oosterom, 2008
The Transparent Body: A Cultural Analysis of Medical Imaging
José Van Dijck, 2005
Improving Operational Risk Management
J.H.M. Van Grinsven, 2009
Autodesk Smoke Essentials: Autodesk Official Press
Alexis Van Hurkman, 2014
Early Modern Medievalisms
Sophie van Romburgh, 2010
GPS for Land Surveyors
Jan Van Sickle, 2008
Markets, Marketing and Developing Countries: Where We Stand and Where We Are Heading
Hans van Trijp, 2010
Epitope Mapping Protocols: Second Edition
Marc H.V. Van Regenmortel (auth.), 2009
The Empire of Isher: The Weapon Makers The Weapon Shops of Isher
A. E. van Vogt, 2000
Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Wirkung von Schwefeldioxyd auf die Vegetation
Dr. rer. nat. Hans van Haut, 1960
Computational frameworks for the fast Fourier transform
Charles Van Loan, 1987
Computational frameworks for the fast fourier transform
Charles Van Loan, 1987
Computational frameworks for the fast fourier transform
Charles Van Loan, 1987