کتاب های Carl G. Pedersen

Introduction to pharmaceutical analytical chemistry
Gammelgaard, Bente; Halvorsen, Trine Grønhaug; Pedersen-Bjergaard, Stig, 2019
Introduction to pharmaceutical analytical chemistry
Gammelgaard, Bente; Halvorsen, Trine Grønhaug; Pedersen-Bjergaard, Stig, 2019
Early Physics and Astronomy: A Historical Introduction
Olaf Pedersen, Mogens Pihl, 1974
Probability and Mechanics of Ship Collision and Grounding
Shengming Zhang Preben Terndrup Pedersen Richard Villavicencio, 2019
The Via Cinnabaris of the F. A. R. +C.
Frater T.P.S., Lenny Pedersen, Roger Caro, 2016
Alchemical Pleiade
Roger Caro, Kamala-Jnana, Lenny Pedersen, 2015
Dictionary of Alchemical Philosophy
Roger Caro, Kamala-Jnana, Pierre Deleuvre, Lenny Pedersen, 2016
The Discovery of Language: Linguistic Science in the Nineteenth Century
Holger Pedersen, John Webster Spargo, 1962
The Discovery of Language: Linguistic Science in the Nineteenth Century
Holger Pedersen, John Webster Spargo, 1962
Archaeology and the Sea in Scandinavia and Britain: A Personal Account
Ole Crumlin-Pedersen, 2010
Iraqi women in Denmark
Marianne Holm Pedersen, 2013
PsychNotes: Clinical Pocket Guide
Darlene D. Pedersen, 2017
Intentional Group Counseling: Best Practices for a Multicultural World
Farah Ibrahim, Allen Ivey, Paul Pedersen, Mary Bradford Ivey, 2019
Sea Ice Analysis and Forecasting: Towards an Increased Reliance on Automated Prediction Systems
Tom Carrieres (editor), Mark Buehner (editor), Jean-Franҫois Lemieux (editor), Leif Toudal Pedersen (editor), 2017
Embodied Computing: Wearables, Implantables, Embeddables, Ingestibles
Isabel Pedersen; Andrew Iliadis, 2020
A comprehensive guide to music therapy : theory, clinical practice, research, and training = edited by Stine Lindahl Jacobsen, Inge Nygaard Pedersen and Lars Ole Bonde ; foreword by Helen Odell-Miller.
Lars Ole Bonde (editor); Stine Lindahl Jacobsen (editor); Inge Nygaard Pedersen (editor); Tony Wigram (editor), 2019
American Cozy: Hygge-Inspired Ways to Create Comfort & Happiness
Stephanie Pedersen
The Medieval Broadcloth: Changing Trends in Fashions, Manufacturing and Consumption
Kathrine Vestergard Pedersen, Marie-Louise Nosch, 2010
GURPS Social Engineering - Keeping in Contact
Kelly Pedersen, Nikola Vrtis, 2019
Times Of Security: Ethnographies Of Fear, Protest And The Future
Martin Holbraad, Morten Axel Pedersen, 2013
The Skuldelev Ships: A Report of the Final Underwater Excavation in 1959 and the Salvaging Operation in 1962
Olaf Olsen, Ole Crumlin-Pedersen, 1968
Nordic Approaches to International Law
Astrid Kjeldgaard-Pedersen (editor), 2017
Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Stine Helene Falsig Pedersen (editor), 2021
Handbook of Research Methods and Applications for Mobilities
Monika Buscher, Malene Freudendal-Pedersen, Sven Kesselring, Nikolaj Grauslund Kristensen, 2020