کتاب های Carl M.

A brief history of time
Stephen W. Hawking, Ron Miller, Carl Sagan, 1988
Advanced analytic number theory
Carl Ludwig Siegel, 1980
Carl Sagan's Cosmic Connection: An Extraterrestrial Perspective
Carl Sagan, 1973
Carl Sagan, 1985
Carl Sagan, 1985
Molecular Basis of Lymphokine Action
George J. Todaro (auth.), David R. Webb, Carl W. Pierce, Stanley Cohen (eds.), 1988
Brody's Human Pharmacology
Lynn Wecker, Lynn Crespo, George Dunaway, Carl Faingold, Stephanie Watts, 2009
Brody's Human Pharmacology 5th Edition
Lynn Wecker PhD, Lynn Crespo PhD, George Dunaway PhD, Carl Faingold, Stephanie Watts PhD, 2009
Dark Rose: Organized Crime and Corruption in Portland
Robert Donnelly, Carl Abbott, 2011
Experiments in Physical Chemistry
Carl Garland, Joseph Nibler, David Shoemaker, 2008
Advances in Cryptology — CRYPTO ’87: Proceedings
Wyn L. Price (auth.), Carl Pomerance (eds.), 1988
Theory of Cryptography: 4th Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, February 21-24, 2007. Proceedings
Carl Bosley, Yevgeniy Dodis (auth.), Salil P. Vadhan (eds.), 2007
Character Animation With Direct3D
Carl Granberg, 2009
Alfred Weber's Theory of the Location of Industries
Alfred Weber, Carl Joachim Friedrich (ed.), 1929
A treatise on chemistry
Henry E Roscoe; Carl Schorlemmer; John Cannell Cain; Charles Henry Jeens; Bernard Mouat Jones, 1920
Basic Introduction to Bioelectromagnetics,
Cynthia Furse, Douglas A. Christensen, Carl H. Durney, 2009
Die Mechanik des Himmels - Vorlesungen Band 2
Carl Ludwig Charlier, 1907
Fluid Mechanics: Worked Examples for Engineers - IChemE
Carl Schaschke, 1998
Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Railway Noise, Munich, Germany, 4 - 8 September 2007
H. Kanda, H. Tsuda, K. Ichikawa, S. Yoshida (auth.), Burkhard Schulte-Werning, David Thompson, Pierre-Etienne Gautier, Carl Hanson, Brian Hemsworth, James Nelson, Tatsuo Maeda, Paul de Vos (eds.), 2008
Atmospheric Pulsation of the Cepheid Variable v Aquilae
W. Carl Rufus, 1923