کتاب های Chad Painter

Media Ethics: Issues And Cases, 9th Ed.
Philip Patterson, Lee Wilkins, Chad Painter, 2019
Media ethics : issues and cases
Philip Patterson, Lee Wilkins, Chad Painter, 2021
Audio Signal Processing and Coding
Andreas Spanias, Ted Painter, Venkatraman Atti, 2007
Audio Signal Processing and Coding
Andreas Spanias, Ted Painter, Venkatraman Atti, 2007
Audio Signal Processing and Coding
Andreas Spanias, Ted Painter, Venkatraman Atti, 2007
Audio signal processing and coding
Andreas Spanias, Ted Painter, Venkatraman Atti, 2007
A Guide to the Food Safety Act 1990
A. A. Painter (Eds.), 1990
Climate Change in the Media: Reporting Risk and Uncertainty
James Painter, 2013
A History of the Middle Ages 284–1500
Sidney Painter (auth.), 1979
Learning the Mother Tongue (Language Education)
Clare Painter, 1989
Employment Rights: A Reference Handbook, 3rd Edition
Richard W. Painter, 2004
Bad Blood (House of Comarré)
Kristen Painter, 2011
Wellbeing and place
Painter, Joe, 2012
Homework (Resource Books for Teachers)
Lesley Painter, 2003
Blood Rights
Kristen Painter, 2011
Cold war : on the brink of apocalypse
David S Painter, 2006
H. A. Painter (auth.), 1992
Reading Visual Narratives: Image Analysis of Children's Picture Books
Clare Painter, 2013
Employment Rights: A Reference Handbook
Richard W. Painter, 1998
Business Ethics as Practice: Ethics as the Everyday Business of Business
Mollie Painter-Morland, 2008
Diverticular Disease of the Colon. A Deficiency Disease of Western Civilization
Neil S. Painter (Auth.), 1975
Fundamentals of Polymer Science: An Introductory Text
Paul C. Painter, 1997
Art, Literature, and Passions of the Skies
Rebecca M. Painter (auth.), 2012