کتاب های Charles S. Edge

Recombinant Protein Drugs
Charles Weissmann (auth.), Peter Buckel (eds.), 2001
ASIAN HIGHLANDS PERSPECTIVES Volume 4: China's Namzi Tibetan Songs, Engagement Chants, & Flute Music
Libu Lakhi (Li Jianfu 李建富, Dawa Tenzin) with Qi Huimin 祁慧民 , Charles Kevin Stuart, and Gerald Roche., 2010
Kalman Filtering Techniques for Radar Tracking
Charles K. Chui, Guanrong Chen, 2000
Introduction to Arithmetic
D'Ooge, Martin Luther; of Gerasa. Nicomachus; Robbins, Frank Egleston; Karpinski, Louis Charles, 1926
Architectural Graphic Standards: Student Edition
Charles George Ramsey, Harold Reeve Sleeper, Bruce Bassler, 2008
Insomnia: A Clinical Guide to Assessment and Treatment
Charles M. Morin, Colin A. Espie (auth.), 2004
Insomnia: A Clinician's Guide to Assessment and Treatment
Charles M. Morin (Author), Colin A. Espie (Editor), 2003
Insomnia: A Clinician's Guide to Assessment and Treatment
Charles M. Morin (Author), Colin A. Espie (Editor), 2003
Communications Engineering Desk Reference
Erik Dahlman, Stefan Parkvall, Johan Skold, Per Beming, Alan C. Bovik, Bruce A. Fette, Keith Jack, Farid Dowla, Casimer DeCusatis, Ed da Silva, Luis M. Correia, Philip A Chou, Mihaela van der Schaar, Ronald Kitchen I Eng, Daniel M. Dobkin, Dan Bensky, Juanita Ellis, Charles Pursell, Joy Rahman, Leonidas Guibas, 2009
Der Stoffwechsel Sekundärer Pflanzenstoffe / The Metabolism of Secondary Plant Products
Barbarín Arreguín Lozano Ph. D., Clinton E. Ballou, Dr. sc. nat., Dr. sc. techn. F. Blank, Professor W. Charles Evans M. Sc, Ph.D., F. R. I. C., T. A. Geissman, T. W. Goodwin D. Sc, F. R. I. C, Dr. A. J. Haagen-Smit, Dr. rer. nat. Alex Heusner, Dr. Josef Kisser, Dr. D. R. Kreger, Dr. Hans Mader, Dr. rer. nat. Walter Mayer, Professor Dr. Otto Moritz, Professor F. F. Nord D. Sc, Dr. Agr. Sc. honoris causa, Dr. Paul Schwarze, Dr. Pharm. Sc. Shoji Shibata, George de Stevens Ph. D. (auth.), 1958
Evaluation Methods in Biomedical Informatics
Charles P. Friedman PhD, Jeremy C. Wyatt MD (auth.), Kathryn J. Hannah PhD, RN, Marion J. Ball EdD (eds.), 2006
Dogged Pursuit
Lee Charles Kelley, 2006
Like a Dog With a Bone
Lee Charles Kelley, 2007
Like a Dog With a Bone
Lee Charles Kelley, 2007
To Collar a Killer
Lee Charles Kelley, 2004
To Collar a Killer
Lee Charles Kelley, 2004
Twas the Bite Before Christmas
Lee Charles Kelley, 2005
Emperor Huizong and Late Northern Song China: The Politics of Culture and the Culture of Politics
Patricia Buckley Ebrey, Maggie Bickford, Peter K. Bol, John W. Chaffee, Shin-yi Chao, Ronald C. Egan, Asaf Goldschmidt, Charles Hartman, Tsuyoshi Kojima, Joseph S. C. Lam, Ari Daniel Levine, Paul Jakov Smith, Stephen H. West, 2006
Rationality: The Critical View
Mario Bunge (auth.), Joseph Agassi M.Sc., Ph. D., Ian Charles Jarvie B.Sc., Ph. D. (eds.), 1987
Freeway Geometric Design for Active Traffic Management in Europe
Jones, Jeffrey C.; Knopp, Martin C.; Fitzpatrick, Kay; Doctor, Mark A.; Howard, Charles E.; Laragan, Gregory M.; Rosenow, James A.; Struve, Brooke A.; Thrasher, Barton A.; Young, Elizabeth G.
Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer
James Welty, Charles E. Wicks, Gregory L. Rorrer, Robert E. Wilson, 2007
Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer - Solution Manual
James Welty, Charles E. Wicks, Gregory L. Rorrer, Robert E. Wilson, 2007
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology: Continuation of Residue Reviews
Walter Vetter (auth.), Dr. George W. Ware, David M. Whitacre, Lilia A. Albert, Pim de Voogt, Charles P. Gerba, O. Hutzinger, James B. Knaak, Foster L. Mayer, D.P. Morgan, Douglas L. Park, Ronald S. Tjeerdema, Raymond S. H. Yang, Francis A. Gunther (eds.), 2006
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology: Continuation of Residue Reviews
Michael C. Newman, Mark Crane (auth.), George W. Ware, Lilia A. Albert, Pim de Voogt, Charles P. Gerba, O. Hutzinger, James B. Knaak, Foster L. Mayer, D. P. Morgan, Douglas L. Park, Ronald S. Tjeerdema, David M. Whitacre, Raymond S. H. Yang, Francis A. Gunther (eds.), 2006