کتاب های Cheng Chen

Financial Econometrics, Mathematics and Statistics: Theory, Method and Application
Cheng-Few Lee; Hong-Yi Chen; John Lee, 2019
Variantology 3: On Deep Time. Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies in China and Elsewhere
Edited by Eckhard Fürlus. Text by Siegfried Zielinski, Arianna Borrelli, Francesca Bray, Chen Cheng-Yi., 2008
Tensor Network Contractions: Methods and Applications to Quantum Many-Body Systems (Lecture Notes in Physics (964), Band 964)
Shi-Ju Ran, Emanuele Tirrito, Cheng Peng, Xi Chen, Luca Tagliacozzo, Gang Su, Maciej Lewenstein, 2020
Financial Econometrics, Mathematics and Statistics: Theory, Method and Application
Cheng-Few Lee, Hong-Yi Chen, John Lee, 2019
Second-order elliptic equations and elliptic equations
Artificial Intelligence in Wireless Robotics
Kwang-Cheng Chen, 2019
物理點心 Physics snacks
Wen Ying Chen, Cheng Chih Yan, 2018
Second Order Elliptic Equations and Elliptic Systems
Ya-Zhe Chen and Lan-Cheng Wu, 1998
The Political Logics of Anticorruption Efforts in Asia
Cheng Chen and Meredith L. Weiss, 2019
Advances in Information and Computer Security: 17th International Workshop on Security, IWSEC 2022, Tokyo, Japan, August 31 – September 2, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13504)
Chen-Mou Cheng (editor), Mitsuaki Akiyama (editor), 2022
Smart Grid and Internet of Things: 6th EAI International Conference, SGIoT 2022, TaiChung, Taiwan, November 19-20, 2022, Proceedings
Der-Jiunn Deng, Han-Chieh Chao, Jyh-Cheng Chen, 2023
Federated Learning
Qiang Yang, Yang Liu, Yong Cheng, Yan Kang, Tianjian Chen, Han Yu, 2019
Enterprise Integration and Modeling: The Metadatabase Approach
Cheng Hsu (auth.), 1996
Advanced Drug Delivery
Ashim Mitra, Chi H. Lee, Kun Cheng, 2013
2,500 Solved Problems In Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
Jack Evett, Cheng Liu, 1989
2500 solved problems in fluid mechanics and hydraulics
Jack B Evett; Cheng Liu, 1989
2500 Solved Problems in Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics (Schaum's Solved Problems)
Jack B. Evett, Cheng Liu, 1988
Biomass for renewable energy, fuels, and chemicals
Cheng, Jay, 1998
Smart Structures Innovative Systems for Seismic Response Control
Franklin Y. Cheng, Hongping Jiang, Kangyu Lou, 2008
Smart Structures: Innovative Systems for Seismic Response Control
Franklin Y. Cheng, Hongping Jiang, Kangyu Lou, 2008
Life Under Extreme Conditions: Biochemical Adaptation
C. C. Cheng, A. L. DeVries (auth.), Professor Dr. Guido di Prisco (eds.), 1991
Computer-Aided Control Systems Design: Practical Applications Using MATLAB® and Simulink®
Cheng Siong Chin, 2013
Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - PCM 2008: 9th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Tainan, Taiwan, December 9-13, 2008. Proceedings
Jozef à korupa, Jürgen Slowack, Stefaan Mys, Peter Lambert, Rik Van de Walle (auth.), Yueh-Min Ray Huang, Changsheng Xu, Kuo-Sheng Cheng, Jar-Ferr Kevin Yang, M. N. S. Swamy, Shipeng Li, Jen-Wen Ding (eds.), 2008