کتاب های Chevalley C.

Classification des groupes algebriques semi-simples: the classification semi-simple algebraic groups
Claude Chevalley, Pierre E. Cartier, P. Cartier, P. Cartier, A. Grothendieck, M. Lazard, 2004
Collected works
Claude Chevalley, 1996
Theory of Lie groups
Claude Chevalley, 1999
Теория групп Ли
Шевалле К. (C.Chevalley), 1948
Fundamental concepts of algebra
Claude C. Chevalley, 1957
Fundamental Concepts of Algebra
Claude C. Chevalley, 1957
Fundamental Concepts of Algebra
Claude Chevalley, 1956
Fundamental Concepts of Algebra (Pure & Applied Mathematics)
Claude C. Chevalley, 1957
Fundamental Concepts of Algebra (Pure & Applied Mathematics)
Claude C. Chevalley, 1957
Introduction to the theory of algebraic functions of one variable
Claude Chevalley, 1951
Introduction to the Theory of Algebraic Functions of One Variable
Claude Chevalley, 1951
The algebraic theory of spinors and Clifford algebras (collected works, vol.2)(no p.206-207)
Claude Chevalley, 1996
The algebraic theory of spinors and Clifford algebras collected works
Claude Chevalley, 1996
Theory of Lie Groups I.
Chevalley Claude, 1946
Теория групп Ли, том 1
Шевалле К.(Chevalley C.), 1948
Теория групп Ли. Алгебраические группы
Шевалле К. (C.Chevalley), 1958
Fundamental concepts of algebra
C Chevalley, 1956
Class field theory
Chevalley C., 1954
Class Field Theory
C. Chevalley, 1954
Class field theory
C Chevalley
Introduction to the Theory of Algebraic Functions of One Variable
C. C. Chevalley, 1951
The construction and study of certain important algebras
Chevalley C., 1955