کتاب های Chia Wei Lee (editor)

Rome and the Seleukid East: Selected Papers from Seleukid Study Day V, Brussels, 21-23 August 2015
Altay Coskun (editor), David Engels (editor), 2019
L'anticristo. Testo latino a fronte. La scienza della fine. Testi dal XIII al XV secolo
Gian Luca Potestà (editor), Marco Rizzi (editor), 2019
Grandezza e catastrofe di Bisanzio. Testo greco a fronte. Libri I-VIII
Coniata Niceta, Jan-Louis Van Dieten (editor), Anna Pontani (editor), 2017
Anime and Philosophy: Wide Eyed Wonder
Joseph Steiff, Tristan D Tamplin, Josef Steiff (editor), Tristan D. Tamplin (editor), 2010
Anime and Philosophy: Wide Eyed Wonder
Joseph Steiff, Tristan D Tamplin, Josef Steiff (editor), Tristan D. Tamplin (editor), 2010
Audio Education: Theory, Culture, and Practice
Daniel Walzer (editor), Mariana Lopez (editor), 2020
Audio Education: Theory, Culture, and Practice
Daniel Walzer (editor), Mariana Lopez (editor), 2020
Batch Adsorption Process of Metals and Anions for Remediation of Contaminated Water
Deepak Gusain (editor), Faizal Bux (editor), 2021
Comics and Sacred Texts: Reimagining Religion and Graphic Narratives
Assaf Gamzou (editor), Ken Koltun-Fromm (editor), 2018
Comics and Sacred Texts: Reimagining Religion and Graphic Narratives
Assaf Gamzou (editor), Ken Koltun-Fromm (editor), 2018
Diverse Voices in Translation Studies in East Asia
Nana Sato-Rossberg (editor), Akiko Uchiyama (editor), 2019
Examining Fractal Image Processing and Analysis
Soumya Ranjan Nayak (editor), Jibitesh Mishra (editor), 2019
Diva Nation: Female Icons from Japanese Cultural History
Laura Miller (editor), Rebecca Copeland (editor), 2018
Popular Culture and the Transformation of Japan–Korea Relations
Rumi Sakamoto (editor), Stephen Epstein (editor), 2020
Popular Culture and the Transformation of Japan–Korea Relations
Rumi Sakamoto (editor), Stephen Epstein (editor), 2020
Robots, Artificial Intelligence and Service Automation in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality
Stanislav Ivanov (editor), Craig Webster (editor), 2019
Robots, Artificial Intelligence and Service Automation in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality
Stanislav Ivanov (editor), Craig Webster (editor), 2019
The World Meets Asian Tourists
Philip L. Pearce (editor), Mao-Ying Wu (editor), 2016
The World Meets Asian Tourists
Philip L. Pearce (editor), Mao-Ying Wu (editor), 2016
Handbook of Laser Technology and Applications: Four Volume Set
Chunlei Guo (editor); Subhash Chandra Singh (editor), 2021
Re-reading Derrida: Perspectives on Mourning and Its Hospitalities
Tony Thwaites (editor), Judith Seaboyer (editor), 2013
Grandezza e catastrofe di Bisanzio. Testo greco a fronte. Libri IX-XIV
Coniata Niceta, Jan-Louis Van Dieten (editor), Anna Pontani (editor), 1999
Grandezza e catastrofe di Bisanzio. Testo greco a fronte. Libri XV-XIX
Coniata Niceta, Jan-Louis Van Dieten (editor), Anna Pontani (editor), 2014
Gender & Texts: A Professional Development Package for English Teachers
Wayne Martino (editor), Chris Cook (editor), 1999