کتاب های Christian De Duve

Confirming Dividend Changes and the Non-Monotonic Investor Revision of Earnings Persistence
Christian Müller (auth.), 2014
Mécanique générale
Christian Gruber, 1998
Mécanique générale (Nouvelle édition, revue et augmentée)
Christian Gruber, 1998
Guide pratique de mésothérapie
Christian Bonnet, 2008
Immigration and the Nation-State: The United States, Germany, and Great Britain
Christian Joppke, 2000
Lewis Basicity and Affinity Scales: Data and Measurement
Christian Laurence, 2010
Advances in Production Technology
Christian Brecher (eds.), 2015
Bauphysik — Erweiterung 1: Energieeinsparung und Wärmeschutz Energieausweis — Gesamtenergieeffizienz
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Christian Pöhn, 2012
Bauphysik: Erweiterung 1 Energieeinsparung und Wärmeschutz Energieausweis — Gesamtenergieeffizienz
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Christian Pöhn, 2007
Business Strategy in the Online Industry: Market and Network Strategy in Multi-Layered Industries
Christian Göttsch (auth.), 2001
Model-Driven Software Migration: A Methodology: Reengineering, Recovery and Modernization of Legacy Systems
Christian Wagner (auth.), 2014
Maps of time : an introduction to big history
David Christian, 2004
Maps of time : an introduction to big history
Christian, David, 2011
Maps of Time. Introduction to Big History
David Christian, 2005
Maps of Time: An Introduction to Big History
David Christian, 2005
Cell Aging: Molecular Mechanisms and Implications for Disease
Christian Behl, 2014
Das Einkaufsschachbrett: Mit 64 Ansätzen Materialkosten senken und Wert schaffen
Christian Schuh, 2008
Der agile Einkauf: Erfolgsgarant in volatilen Zeiten
Christian Schuh, 2011
The Purchasing Chessboard
Christian Schuh, 2009
The Purchasing Chessboard: 64 Methods to Reduce Cost and Increase Value with Suppliers
Christian Schuh, 2008
Collateral Circulation of the Heart
Christian Seiler (auth.), 2009
Collateral Circulation of the Heart
Christian Seiler (auth.), 2009
Java Persistence with Hibernate
Christian Bauer, 2007