کتاب های Christian Funk

Trellis and Turbo Coding. Iterative and Graph-based Error Control Coding
Christian B. Schlegel, Lance C. Perez, 2015
Regions in Europe
Le Galès, Patrick; Lequesne, Christian, 1998
Services Web en J2EE et .Net
Bernard, Christian, 2003
Risques, Technologies de l'Information pour les Pratiques Médicales: Comptes rendus des treizièmes Journées francophones d'informatique médicale, ... 2009
Marius Fieschi, Pascal Staccini, Omar Bouhaddou, Christian Lovis, 2000
L’ange gardien
Lause, Christian, 2007
L'espagnol par les chansons
Régnier, Christian; Garavito, Julián; Marrón, José G, 1999
Review of Surgery for ABSITE and Boards
Christian DeVirgilio et al. (eds.), 2017
Baupfusch : Erkennen, Reklamieren, Sanieren
Eigner, Christian, 2013
Thai green curry, Balti vegetables, summer pudding & the Dabube wave
Christian, Glyn; chef. Pensiri; Wagner, Joachim; Nayar, Lali; Dettmer, Anne, 2010
Density of Prime Divisors of Linear Recurrences
Christian Ballot, 1995
Some Connections Between Isoperimetric and Sobolev-Type Inequalities
Serguei G. Bobkov, Christian Houdre, 1997
An Alpine Expedition Through Algebraic Topology
Christian Ausoni, Kathryn Hess, Brenda Johnson, Wolfgang Luck, Jerome Scherer, 2014
Digital Research Confidential: The Secrets of Studying Behavior Online
Eszter Hargittai, Christian Sandvig (eds.), 2015
Twin Research 3: Part B: Intelligence, Personality, and Development (Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Twin Studies, June 16-20, 1980, Jerusalem)
Luigi Gedda, Paolo Parisi, Walter E. Nance, S.G. Vandenberg, A.R. Kuse, Joseph M. Horn, John C. Loehlin, Lee Willerman, Thomas J Bouchard Jr, Robert Plomin, J.C. DeFries, Richard J Rose, I.A. Uchida, J.C. Christian, Siv Fischbein, Arleen Garfinkle, L.A. Corey, R.J. Rose, L.J. Eaves, A.C. Heath, P.A. Young, Sandra Scarr, Patricia L. Webber, Richard A. Weinberg, Michele A. Wittig, Joseph M. Horn, Karen Matthews, Ray Rosenman, Frank Barron, Silvia Borella, M. Timsit, C. Bastin, M. Timsit-Berthier,, 1981
International Practice Theory: New Perspectives
Christian Bueger, Frank Gadinger (auth.), 2014
Christian Queinnec (auth.), 1983
Athlet und polis im archaischen und frühklassischen Griechenland
Mann, Christian, 2001
Boundary Behaviour of Conformal Maps
Christian Pommerenke, 1992
Control and Optimization with PDE Constraints
Kristian Bredies, Christian Clason, Karl Kunisch, Gregory Winckel (eds.), 2013
Integral Methods in Science and Engineering: Theoretical and Computational Advances
Christian Constanda, Andreas Kirsch(eds.), 2015
Discrete Inverse Problems: Insight and Algorithms
Per Christian Hansen, 2010
Quantum Mathematical Physics: A Bridge between Mathematics and Physics
Felix Finster, Johannes Kleiner, Christian Röken, Jürgen Tolksdorf(eds.), 2016
Operator Algebras and Applications: The Abel Symposium 2015
Toke M. Carlsen, Nadia S. Larsen, Sergey Neshveyev, Christian Skau(eds.), 2016
High Dimensional Probability VII: The Cargèse Volume
Christian Houdré, David M. Mason, Patricia Reynaud-Bouret, Jan Rosiński(eds.), 2016