کتاب های Christian Mair (editor)

Data Warehouses and Olap: Concepts, Architectures and Solutions
Robert Wrembel (Editor), Christian Koncilia (Editor), 2006
Affective Societies: Key Concepts
Jan Slaby (Editor), Christian von Scheve (Editor), 2019
Die Cambridge Origenists: George Rusts Letter of Resolution Concerning Origen and the Chief of His Opinions
by Alfons Furst (Editor), Christian Hengstermann(Editor), 2013
Fichtes Bildtheorie Im Kontext, Teil II: Systematische Funktionen Des Bildbegriffs
Christian Klotz (editor), Matteo Vincenzo D'Alfonso (editor), 2020
Understanding Faults: Detecting, Dating, and Modeling
David Tanner (editor), Christian Brandes (editor), 2019
Integral Methods in Science and Engineering: Analytic Treatment and Numerical Approximations
Christian Constanda (editor), Paul Harris (editor), 2019
Theory, Numerics and Applications of Hyperbolic Problems II: Aachen, Germany, August 2016 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (237))
Christian Klingenberg (editor), Michael Westdickenberg (editor), 2018
Global Tourism: Cultural Heritage and Economic Encounters (Society for Economic Anthropology Monograph Series)
Sarah M. Lyon (editor), E. Christian Wells (editor), 2012
The Open Door: One Hundred Poems, One Hundred Years of "Poetry" Magazine
Don Share (editor), Christian Wiman (editor), 2012
Fragmente einer Geschichte der griechischen Komödie = Fragmentary history of Greek comedy
Stylianos Chronopoulos (editor); Christian Orth (editor), 2015
Gender, Otherness, and Culture in Medieval and Early Modern Art
Carlee A. Bradbury (editor), Michelle Moseley-christian (editor), 2017
Handbook on the Digital Creative Economy
Ruth Towse (editor), Christian Handke (editor), 2013
Body, Capital and Screens: Visual Media and the Healthy Self in the 20th Century
PROF DR Christian Bonah (editor), DR. Anja Laukötter (editor), 2020
Public Spheres of Resonance: Constellations of Affect and Language
Anne Fleig (editor), Christian von Scheve (editor), 2021
Deutschbuch 03: 7. Schuljahr. Schülerbuch. Realschule Baden-Württemberg
Annette Brosi, Carmen Collini, Dorothea Fogt, Agnes Fulde, Andreas Glas, Peter Heil, Tanja Katharina Seidelmann, Ina Trog, Christa Becker-Binder (editor), Christian Weißenburger (editor), 2014
Deutschbuch 1: 5. Schuljahr. Schülerbuch Realschule Baden-Württemberg
Sylvia Birner, Annette Brosi, Carmen Collini, Steffen Dinter, Dorothea Fogt, Agnes Fulde, Andreas Glas, Angelika von Hochmeister, Bettina Hofmann, Marianne Kuhn, Isabelle Kunst, Monika Mohr-Mühleisen, Peter Seiler, Yvonne Streb, Ina Trog, Christian Weißenburger, Christa Becker-Binder (editor), Bernd Schurf (editor), 2012
»High« und »low«: Zur Interferenz von Hoch- und Populärkultur in der Gegenwartsliteratur
Norbert Christian Wolf (editor), Thomas Wegmann (editor), 2011
Vocal Music and Contemporary Identities: Unlimited Voices in East Asia and the West
Christian Utz (editor), Frederick Lau (editor), 2013
Vocal Music and Contemporary Identities: Unlimited Voices in East Asia and the West
Christian Utz (editor), Frederick Lau (editor), 2013
Moving Bodies in Interaction – Interacting Bodies in Motion: Intercorporeality, interkinesthesia, and enaction in sports
Christian Meyer (editor), Ulrich v. Wedelstaedt (editor), 2017
The Innovator’s Dictionary: 555 Methods and Instruments for More Creativity and Innovation in Your Company
Christian Buchholz (editor), Benno van Aerssen (editor), 2020
Italian Political Cinema: Public Life, Imaginary, and Identity in Contemporary Italian Film
Giancarlo Lombardi (editor), Christian Uva (editor), 2016
Klinische Notfallmedizin Band 2 Skills Emergency Medicine nach dem EU-Curriculum.
Thomas Fleischmann (editor); Christian Hohenstein (editor), 2020
Towards Cognitive Autonomous Networks: Network Management Automation for 5G and Beyond
Stephen S. Mwanje (editor), Christian Mannweiler (editor), 2020