کتاب های Christopher J. R. Fern

Transport Terminals and Modal Interchanges; Planning and Design
Christopher Blow, 2005
The Matter of Mind: Reason and Experience in the Age of Descartes
Christopher Braider, 2012
Corporate Governance in the Common-Law World: The Political Foundations of Shareholder Power
Christopher M. Bruner, 2013
Plant Genomics and Proteomics
Christopher A. Cullis, 2004
Ethics and War in the 21st Century (Lse International Studies)
Christopher Coker, 2008
Men At War: What Fiction Tells us About Conflict, From The Iliad to Catch-22
Christopher Coker, 2014
NATO, The Warsaw Pact and Africa
Christopher Coker (auth.), 1985
The Future of the Atlantic Alliance
Christopher Coker (auth.), 1984
The Future of War: The Re-Enchantment of War in the Twenty-First Century
Christopher Coker(auth.), 2004
The Future of War: The Re-Enchantment of War in the Twenty-First Century
Christopher Coker, 2004
The Future of War: The Re-Enchantment of War in the Twenty-First Century (Blackwell Manifestos)
Christopher Coker, 2004
The Improbable War: China, The United States and Logic of Great Power Conflict
Christopher Coker, 2015
The United States, Western Europe and Military Intervention Overseas
Christopher Coker (eds.), 1988
The Warrior Ethos: Military Culture and the War on Terror
Christopher Coker, 2007
US Military Power in the 1980s
Christopher Coker (auth.), 1983
Church, Religion and Society in Early Modern Italy (European Studies)
Christopher F. Black, 2004
The World of Tacitus' Dialogus de Oratoribus: Aesthetics and Empire in Ancient Rome
Professor Christopher S. van den Berg, 2014
Truth Matters
Christopher Norris, 2002
Reinventing The University: Literacies and Legitimacy in the Postmodern Academy
Christopher Schroeder, 2001
Diverse by Design: Literacy Education in Multicultural Institutions
Christopher Schroeder, 2010
Emily Dickinson and the problem of others
Christopher E. G. Benfey, 1984
Tribebook: Silver Fangs (Werewolf - the Apocalypse)
Christopher Howard, 1997