کتاب های Chu Huang (auth.)

Adhesion Science and Technology
Lieng-Huang Lee (auth.), 1976
Adhesive Bonding
Lieng-Huang Lee (auth.), 1991
Adhesive Chemistry: Developments and Trends
Lieng-Huang Lee (auth.), 1985
Adhesives, Sealants, and Coatings for Space and Harsh Environments
Lieng-Huang Lee (auth.), 1988
A Concise Introduction to Mechanics of Rigid Bodies: Multidisciplinary Engineering
L. Huang (auth.), 2012
A Concise Introduction to Mechanics of Rigid Bodies: Multidisciplinary Engineering
L. Huang (auth.), 2012
A Concise Introduction to Mechanics of Rigid Bodies: Multidisciplinary Engineering
L. Huang (auth.), 2012
PACS and Imaging Informatics: Basic Principles and Applications, Second Edition
Dr. H. K. Huang(auth.), 2010
Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) in Medicine
H. K. Huang (auth.), 1991
Advances in Soil Science
P. M. Huang (auth.), 1988
Robust Computing with Nano-scale Devices: Progresses and Challenges
Chao Huang (auth.), 2010
Robust Computing with Nano-scale Devices: Progresses and Challenges
Chao Huang (auth.), 2010
Fundamentals of Adhesion
Lieng-Huang Lee (auth.), 1991
Contemporary Chinese Literature: From the Cultural Revolution to the Future
Yibing Huang (auth.), 2007
Two-Dimensional Digital Signal Prcessing II: Transforms and Median Filters
T. S. Huang (auth.), 1981
Two-Dimensional Conformal Geometry and Vertex Operator Algebras
Yi-Zhi Huang (auth.), 1995
Static and Dynamic Analyses of Plates and Shells: Theory, Software and Applications
Hou-Cheng Huang Ph.D (auth.), 1989
Molecular Pharmacognosy
Lu-qi Huang (auth.), 2013
Numerical Assessments of Cracks in Elastic-Plastic Materials
Dr.-Ing. habil. Huang Yuan (auth.), 2002
Diseases of the Esophagus
G. J. Huang (auth.), 1988
The Dynamics of China’s Rejuvenation
Jianrong Huang (auth.), 2004
Two-Dimensional Digital Signal Processing I: Linear Filters
T. S. Huang (auth.), 1981
EU und VR China nach dem Ost-West-Konflikt: Interaktionen im Spiegel des Neoliberalen Institutionalismus
Hui-Ling Huang (auth.), 2012
Experimental Econophysics: Properties and Mechanisms of Laboratory Markets
Ji-Ping Huang (auth.), 2015