کتاب های Civ. Eng.

Hochfrequenztechnik 1: Hochfrequenzfilter, Leitungen, Antennen
Dr.-Ing., habil., Dr.-Ing., E.h. Otto Zinke, Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Brunswig (auth.), Dr.-Ing. Anton Vlcek, Dr. Eng. Dr. h.c. Hans Ludwig Hartnagel (eds.), 1995
Hochfrequenztechnik: Elektronik und Signalverarbeitung
em. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Otto Zinke, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Brunswig (auth.), Anton Vlcek, Prof. Dr. Eng. Dr.-Ing. h. c. Hans L. Hartnagel, Dr.-Ing. Konrad Mayer (eds.), 1999
A Guide to Ship Repair Estimates in Man-hours, Second Edition
Don Butler DTI Combined first class Engineers Certificate of competency for steam ships and motor ships.Chartered Engineer (C. Eng)Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineers (F.I.Mar.E)Member of Society of Consulting Marine Engineers (M.C.M.S), 2012
Dr. Eng. Mohamed EL-Shimy (Ain Shams University)
Essentials of Engineering Hydraulics
Jonas M. K. Dake B.Sc (Eng.) (London); M.Sc.Tech. (Man.); Sc.D. (M.I.T.) (auth.), 1983
Damping of Power System Oscillations using FACTS Power Oscillation Damper – Design and Performance Analysis
Dr. Eng. Mohamed EL-Shimy (Ain Shams University)
Impact of Wind Power on Power System Stability and Oscillation Damping Controller Design
Dr. Eng. Mohamed EL-Shimy (Ain Shams University), 2015
Adequacy-Based Placement of WECS in Egypt
Dr. Eng. Mohamed EL-Shimy (Ain Shams University)
Practical fiber optics
David Bailey BEng, Edwin Wright MIPENZBSc (Hons)BSc (Elec Eng), 2003
Commercial satellite communication
Stephan C. Pascall BSc PhD CEng MIEE, David Withers C. Eng FIEE, 1997
Dynamic Security of Interconnected Electric Power Systems - Volume 1
Dr. Eng. Mohamed EL-Shimy (Ain Shams University), 2015
Practical industrial safety, risk assessment and shutdown systems for industry
Dave Macdonald BSc (Eng), 2004
Practical data acquisition for instrumentation and control systems
Steve Mackay CPEng BSc (ElecEng)BSc (Hons)MBA, Edwin Wright MIPENZBSc (Hons)BSc (Elec Eng), John Park ASD, 2007
Khee Meng Koh, Eng Guan Tay, 2013
Counting: Solutions Manual
Khee Meng Koh, Eng Guan Tay, 2013
Harty's Endodontics in Clinical Practice, 6e
Bun San Chong BDSMSc.PhD (Lond); LDSFDS RCS (Eng); MFGDP (UK); MRD, 2010
Master Dentistry Volume 3 Oral Biology: Oral Anatomy, Histology, Physiology and Biochemistry, 1e
Barry K. B. Berkovitz BDSMScPhDFDS (ENG), Bernard J. Moxham BScBDSPhD, Roger W. A. Linden BDSPhDMFDSRCS, Alastair J. Sloan BScPhD, 2010
A Practical Guide to Human Cancer Genetics
Shirley Hodgson, William Foulkes, Charis Eng, Eamonn Maher, 2006
Atlas of Urologic Surgery, 2nd Edition
Frank Hinman Jr. MDFACSFAAPFRCS(Eng)(Hon), 1998
A Guide to the Preparation of Civil Engineering Drawings
M. V. Thomas C.Eng., M.I.Mun. E. (auth.), 1982
Urology in Childhood
D. Innes Williams MD, MChir, FRCS, T. Martin Barratt MB, MRCP, Herbert B. Eckstein MA, MD, MChir (Cantab), FRCS (Eng), Sheila M. Kohlinsky MB, ChB, MRCP, DCH, George H. Newns MD, FRCP, Paul E. Polani MD, FRCP, FRS, Jack D. Singer MD (auth.), 1974
Atlas of Sarcoidosis: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Clinical Features
Violeta Mihailovic-Vucinic MD, PhD, Om P. Sharma MD, MRCP (Lond.), FACP, FCCP, D.T.M. & H (Eng.) (auth.), 2005
Communications Engineering Desk Reference
Erik Dahlman, Stefan Parkvall, Johan Skold, Per Beming, Alan C. Bovik, Bruce A. Fette, Keith Jack, Farid Dowla, Casimer DeCusatis, Ed da Silva, Luis M. Correia, Philip A Chou, Mihaela van der Schaar, Ronald Kitchen I Eng, Daniel M. Dobkin, Dan Bensky, Juanita Ellis, Charles Pursell, Joy Rahman, Leonidas Guibas, 2009
Acute Ischemic Stroke: Imaging and Intervention
Aneesh B. Singhal, Eng H. Lo, Turgay Dalkara, Michael A. Moskowitz (auth.), R. Gilberto González, Joshua A. Hirsch, Michael H. Lev, Pamela W. Schaefer, Lee H. Schwamm (eds.), 2011