کتاب های Claes

Studiematerial för juridisk grundkurs
Folke Grauers; Claes Martinson, 2003
Beginselen der natuurkunde - Deel 1 (mechanica - Hydrostatica - Aërostatica- Warmteleer)
Claes & Delaruelle, 1950
Beginselen der natuurkunde - Deel 3 (tabellen en formules)
Claes & Delaruelle, 1951
Corpses In Belgian Anatomy, 1860–1914: Nobody’s Dead
Tinne Claes, 2019
Populist Political Communication in Europe
Toril Aalberg, Frank Esser, Carsten Reinemann, Jesper Stromback, Claes De Vreese, 2016
Cultural Influences on Architecture
Gülşah Koç (editor), Marie-Therese Claes (editor), Bryan Christiansen (editor), 2016
Cultural Influences on Architecture
Gul Ah Koc; Marie-Therese Claes; Bryan Christiansen, 2016
The Reign of the Customer: Customer-Centric Approaches to Improving Satisfaction
Claes Fornell; Forrest Morgeson; Tomas Hult; David Vanamberg, 2019
The Joy of Craft: A Paradoxical Approach for Learning to Do Things Well
Zane Kenneth Claes, 2016
The Imposter as Social Theory: Thinking with Gatecrashers, Cheats and Charlatans
Steve Woolgar (editor), Else Vogel (editor), David Moats (editor), Claes-Fredrik Helgesson (editor), 2021
Hitler's Nordic Ally?
Claes Johansen, 2016
EDNOS: Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified: Scientific and Clinical Perspectives on the Other Eating Disorders
Claes Norring, Bob Palmer, 2005
The Vision Zero Handbook: Theory, Technology and Management for a Zero Casualty Policy
Karin Edvardsson Björnberg, Sven Ove Hansson, Matts-Åke Belin, Claes Tingvall, 2023
Adapting the Built Environment for Climate Change: Design Principles for Climate Emergencies
Fernando Pacheco-Torgal, Claes Goran-Granqvist, 2023
Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons
Claes-Eric Norrbom, Agneta Stahl, 2022
Frontiers in Higher Education
Tom Claes; David Seth Preston, 2010
Artificial General Intelligence. 16th International Conference, AGI 2023 Stockholm, Sweden, June 16–19, 2023 Proceedings
Patrick Hammer, Marjan Alirezaie, Claes Strannegård, 2023
De doden moeten hun getal hebben
Jo Claes, 2023