کتاب های Claude Aron (auth.)

Graph Theory in Paris. Proc. conf. in memory of Berge
Adrian Bondy, Adrian Bondy, Jean Fonlupt, Jean-Luc Fouquet, Jean-Claude Fournier, Jorge L. RamÃrez AlfonsÃn, 2006
Graphs and hypergraphs
Claude Berge, 1973
Graphs and Hypergraphs
Mathematical theory of communication
Claude E Shannon, Warren Weaver, Shannon, 1998
The Mathematical Theory of Communication
Claude E Shannon, Warren Weaver, 1963
The Mathematical Theory of Communication
Claude E Shannon, Warren Weaver, 1963
The Mathematical Theory of Communication
Claude E Shannon, Warren Weaver
Topics on perfect graphs
Claude Berge, Vasek Chvatal, 1984
Astroparticle, Particle And Space Physics, Detectors And Medical Physics Applications (Proceedings of the 9th Italian Conference)
Michele Barone, Emilio Borchi, Andrea Gaddi, Claude Leroy, Larry Price, Pier-Giorgio Rancoita, Randa, 2006
Classification des groupes algebriques semi-simples: the classification semi-simple algebraic groups
Claude Chevalley, Pierre E. Cartier, P. Cartier, P. Cartier, A. Grothendieck, M. Lazard, 2004
Neuro-endocrinology of Growth and Energy Balance
Claude Kordon, Iain Clarke, 2007
Yearbook of Pediatric Endocrinology 2009: Endorsed by the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology
Jean-Claude Carel, Ze'Ev Hochberg, 2009
Mesures statistiques en épidémiologie
Paul-Marie Bernard, Claude Lapointe, 1998
After Orientalism: Critical Perspectives on Western Agency and Eastern Re-Appropriations
Francois Pouillion, Jean-Claude Vatin (eds.), 2014
Biosaline Agriculture and High Salinity Tolerance
Chedly Abdelly, Chedly Abdelly, Münir Öztürk, Muhammad Ashraf, Claude Grignon, 2008
Gîndirea sălbatică
Claude Lévi-Strauss, 1970
Olhar Escutar Ler
Claude Lévi-Strauss
A new system of horsemanship : from the French of Monsieur Bourgelat. By Richard Berenger, Esq.
Bourgelat, Claude, 1754
Current Issues in Cosmology
Jean-Claude Pecker, Jayant Narlikar, 2006
Current Issues in Cosmology
Jean-Claude Pecker, Jayant Narlikar, 2006
Cours d'optique : Simulations et exercices resolus avec Maple®, Matlab®, Mathematica®, Mathcad®
Karl D. Moller, Claude Belorgeot, 2006
Applications of ATILA FEM software to smart materials: Case studies in designing devices
Kenji Uchino, Jean-Claude Debus, 2013
Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications (2006)(en)(114
Michele Barone, Andrea Gaddi, Claude Leroy, Larry Price, Pier-Giorgio Rancoita, 2008