کتاب های Claude Crum

Le leadership des femmes en STIM : Sciences, technologies, ingénierie et mathématiques
Louise Lafortune, Claire Deschênes, Marie-Claude Williamson, Pauline Provencher, Collectif, 2008
Geometry on Poincaré Spaces (Mathematical Notes 41)
Jean-Claude Hausmann, Pierre Vogel
Geometry on Poincare Spaces.
Jean-Claude Hausmann, Pierre Vogel, 1992
Geometry on Poincare Spaces. (MN-41)
Jean-Claude Hausmann, Pierre Vogel, 1992
Theoretical Aspects of Computing – ICTAC 2010: 7th International Colloquium, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, September 1-3, 2010. Proceedings
Ian J. Hayes (auth.), Ana Cavalcanti, David Deharbe, Marie-Claude Gaudel, Jim Woodcock (eds.), 2010
La chimie et l'art, le génie au service de l'homme
Christian Amatore, Anne Bouquillon, Sophie Descamps-Lequime, Rose Agnès Jacquesy, Koen Janssens, Jean-Claude Lehmann, Michel Menu, Marc Thébault, Bernard Valeur et Philippe Walter, Minh-Thu Dinh-Audouin, Rose Agnès Jacquesy, Danièle Olivier, Paul Rigny, 2010
Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic
Jean-Michel Muller, Nicolas Brisebarre, Florent de Dinechin, Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Vincent Lefèvre, Guillaume Melquiond, Nathalie Revol, Damien Stehlé, Serge Torres (auth.), 2010
Handbook of floating-point arithmetic
Jean-Michel Muller, Nicolas Brisebarre, Florent de Dinechin, Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Vincent Lefèvre, Guillaume Melquiond, Nathalie Revol, Damien Stehlé, Serge Torres (auth.), 2010
Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic
Jean-Michel Muller, Nicolas Brisebarre, Florent de Dinechin, Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Vincent Lefèvre, Guillaume Melquiond, Nathalie Revol, Damien Stehlé, Serge Torres (auth.), 2010
Brain Somatic Cross-Talk and the Central Control of Metabolism
S. L. Dickson, L. Y. C. Tung, S. Lall (auth.), Claude Kordon, Iain Robinson, Jacques Hanoune, Robert Dantzer, Yves Christen Ph. D. (eds.), 2003
High Performance Computing - HiPC 2006: 13th International Conference, Bangalore, India, December 18-21, 2006. Proceedings
Yves Benoist (auth.), Claude Albert, Robert Brouzet, Jean Paul Dufour (eds.), 2006
Dispersive Transport Equations and Multiscale Models
Claude Bardos, François Golse, Alex Gottlieb (auth.), Naoufel Ben Abdallah, Anton Arnold, Pierre Degond, Irene M. Gamba, Robert T. Glassey, C. David Levermore, Christian Ringhofer (eds.), 2004
Algebraic Methods for Nonlinear Control Systems (Communications and Control Engineering)
Giuseppe Conte, Claude H. Moog, Anna Maria Perdon, 2006
MIMO Wireless Communications: From Real-World Propagation to Space-Time Code Design
Claude Oestges, Bruno Clerckx
Anatomie pathologique générale et spéciale
Alan Stevens, James Lowe, Claude Gompel, 1997
Security in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks: First European Workshop, ESAS 2004, Heidelberg, Germany, August 6, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
Claude Castelluccia, Hannes Hartenstein, Christof Paar, Dirk Westhoff, 2005
Security in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks: First European Workshop, ESAS 2004, Heidelberg, Germany, August 6, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
Jean-Pierre Hubaux (auth.), Claude Castelluccia, Hannes Hartenstein, Christof Paar, Dirk Westhoff (eds.), 2005
Security in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks: First European Workshop, ESAS 2004, Heidelberg, Germany, August 6, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
Jean-Pierre Hubaux (auth.), Claude Castelluccia, Hannes Hartenstein, Christof Paar, Dirk Westhoff (eds.), 2005
Binders for durable and sustainable concrete
Pierre-Claude Aïtcin, 2008
Ecostructures en béton : Comment diminuer l'empreinte carbone des structures en béton
Pierre-Claude Aitcin, Sidney Mindess, 2013
Sustainability of Concrete
Pierre-Claude A'Itcin, Sidney Mindess, 2011
Comment Branly a découvert la radio French
Jean-Claude Boudenot
Revue des Études Juives 170 1-2 volume 170 issue 1-2
Simon Claude Mimouni - Jean-Pierre Rothschild, 2011
Convex Analysis and Minimization Algorithms I: Fundamentals
Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty, Claude Lemaréchal (auth.), 1993