کتاب های Claude Vial

Bibliothèque historique, Livre XV
Diodore de Sicile; Claude Vial (ed.), 2002
Lexique de la Grèce ancienne
Claude Vial, 2008
The Sun : a Guide to Stellar Physics.
Engvold, Oddbjø; Skumanich, Andrew; Vial, Jean-Claude, 2018
Confined Electrons and Photons: New Physics and Applications
Claude Weisbuch, Eli Burstein (auth.), Elias Burstein, Claude Weisbuch (eds.), 1995
Hypergraph Seminar: Ohio State University 1972
Claude Berge C.N.R.S. (auth.), Claude Berge, Dijen Ray-Chaudhuri (eds.), 1974
Boundaries of faith : Catholics and Protestants in the Diocese of Geneva
de Sales Saint Francis; Granier, Claude de; Sales, Jean-Francois de; Fehleison, Jill; Granier, Claude de; Sales, Jean-Francois de; de Sales Saint Francis, 2010
A profissão de sociólogo: preliminares epistemológicas
Pierre Bourdieu, Jean-Claude Chamboredon, Jean-Claude Passeron, 1999
Valuing the Cost of Smoking: Assessment Methods, Risk Perception and Policy Options
Claude Jeanrenaud, Nils Soguel (auth.), Claude Jeanrenaud, Nils Soguel (eds.), 1999
Differential Equations and Quantum Groups: Andrey A. Bolibrukh Memorial Volume
Daniel Bertrand; Benjamin Enriquez; Claude Mitschi;Claude Sabbah;, 2006
L’ "Exemplum"
Claude Brémond, Jacques Le Goff, Jean-Claude Schmitt, 1982
Debussy and his world
Debussy, Claude; Debussy, Claude; Fulcher, Jane F., 2001
IT’s hidden face: Everything you always wanted to know about Information Technology. A look behind the scenes
Claude Roeltgen, Dr. Andreas Resch, Mike O’Dell, Jean-Claude Juncker, 2009
The Craft of Sociology. Epistemological Preliminaries
Pierre Bourdieu, Jean-Claude Chamboredon & Jean-Claude Passeron, 1991
Heat Generation and Transport in the Earth
Claude Jaupart, Jean-Claude Mareschal, 2010
Studies in Byzantine Sigillography: Vol. 10
Jean-Claude Cheynet, Jean-claude Cheynet, Claudia Sode, 2010
Reinhard Zakrzewski; Rainer Eisenschmid; Sven-Claude Bettinger; Walter Rottiers; Reinhard Strüber; Sven-Claude Bettinger, 2018
Les dynamiques du changement en Afrique sub-saharienne: Freins et impulsions
Claude Arditi, Edmond Bernus, Jean Boutrais, Anne Luxereau, Claude Pairault, Catherine Quiminal, Marie-José Tubiana, 1996
Moche hacia el final del milenio. Actas del Segundo Coloquio sobre la Cultura Moche, Trujillo, 1 al 7 de agosto de 1999
Santiago Uceda, Elías Mujica (eds.), Julio Rucabado, Jaime Castillo, Christopher Donnan, César Gálvez, Antonio Murga, Denis Vargas, Hugo Ríos, Shelia Pozarski, Thomas Pozarski, Ricardo Tello, José Armas, Claude Chapdelaine, Claude Chauchat, Bertha Herrera, George Gumerman, Jesús Briceño, Steve Bourget, Víctor Pimentel, Isabel Paredes, Edward de Bock, Carol Mackey, Melissa Vogel, Krzysztof Makowski, Régulo Franco, Juan Vilela, Ricardo Morales, Elizabeth Benson (auts.) (auts.), 2003
Les papyrus du "Livre des morts" de l'Egypte ancienne, de Neferoubenef (Louvre III 93) et de Soutymès (BnF, égyptien "38-45")
Claude Carrier; Claude Carrier (égyptologue).), 2014
Η τέχνη του κοινωνιολόγου. Επιστημολογικά προαπαιτούμενα
Pierre Bourdieu, Jean-Claude Chamboredon, Jean-Claude Passeron, 2009
Time Series Analysis in Meteorology and Climatology: An Introduction
Claude Duchon, Robert Hale(auth.), 2012
Electrical Machines Diagnosis
Jean?Claude Trigeassou(auth.), 2011
Electrical Machines Diagnosis
Jean-Claude Trigeassou, 2011
A bundle-type algorithm for routing in telecommunication data networks
Claude Lemarechal, Adam Ouorou, Georgios Petrou, 2007