کتاب های Claudia Baca

Numerical Optimization: Theoretical and Practical Aspects (Universitext)
Joseph-Frédéric Bonnans, Jean Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemarechal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal, 2006
Numerical Optimization: Theoretical and Practical Aspects, Second Edition (Universitext)
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal, 2006
Berufsziel Journalismus: Aufgaben, Anforderungen und Ansprechpartner
Claudia Mast (auth.), 2000
Berufsziel Journalismus: Aufgaben, Anforderungen und Ansprechpartner
Claudia Mast (auth.), 1998
Psycho-social Career Meta-capacities: Dynamics of contemporary career development
Claudia M. van der Heijde (auth.), Melinde Coetzee (eds.), 2014
Lymphocyte Activation and Immune Regulation IX: Homeostasis and Lymphocyte Traffic
Claudia Waskow, Rodewald Hans-Reimer (auth.), Sudhir Gupta, Eugene Butcher, William Paul (eds.), 2002
A Cognitive Theory of Cultural Meaning
Claudia Strauss, Naomi Quinn, 1998
A Cognitive Theory of Cultural Meaning
Claudia Strauss, Naomi Quinn, 1998
A Cognitive Theory of Cultural Meaning (Publications of the Society for Psychological Anthropology)
Claudia Strauss, Naomi Quinn, 1998
Ecological Modelling Applied to Entomology
Cláudia P. Ferreira, Wesley A.C Godoy (eds.), 2014
A study of singularities on rational curves via syzygies
David Cox, Andrew R. Kustin, Claudia Polini, Bernd Ulrich, 2013
Kama sutra : a position a day 365 days a year
Keilty, Christine; Henderson, Dawn; Blake, Claudia, 2014
Proteins and Proteomics of Leishmania and Trypanosoma
Juliany Cola Fernandes Rodrigues (auth.), André L.S. Santos, Marta H. Branquinha, Claudia M. d’Avila-Levy, Lucimar F. Kneipp, Cátia L. Sodré (eds.), 2014
Building Web Services with Java: Making Sense of XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI
Steve Graham, Doug Davis, Simeon Simeonov, Glen Daniels, Peter Brittenham, Yuichi Nakamura, Paul Fremantle, Dieter Koenig, Claudia Zentner, 2004
Building Web Services with Java: Making Sense of XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI (2nd Edition)
Steve Graham, Doug Davis, Simeon Simeonov, Glen Daniels, Peter Brittenham, Yuichi Nakamura, Paul Fremantle, Dieter Koenig, Claudia Zentner, 2004
100 Questions and Answers About Asthma
Claudia S. Plotte, 2004
Goliath. Hero of the Great Balitmore Fire
Claudia Friddell,Troy Howell, 2010
Interface Controlled Organic Thin Films
Peter Puschnig, Dmitrii Nabok, Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl (auth.), Katharina Al-Shamery, Giles Horowitz, Helmut Sitter, Horst-Günter Rubahn (eds.), 2009
Clinical Sports Psychiatry: An International Perspective
David A. Baron, Claudia L. Reardon, Steven H. Baron, 2013
A Companion to Portuguese Literature (Monografías A)
Stephen Parkinson, Cláudia Pazos Alonso, T. F. Earle (editors), 2010
Die Gesellschaft und ihre Gesundheit: 20 Jahre Public Health in Deutschland: Bilanz und Ausblick einer Wissenschaft
Bernhard Badura (auth.), Thomas Schott, Claudia Hornberg (eds.), 2011
A grammar of Lavukaleve: A Papuan Language of the Solomon Islands
Claudia Ursula Wegener, 1999
Immunology of Milk and the Neonate
Mestecky, Jiri; Blair, Claudia; Ogra, Pearay L, 2013