کتاب های Claudia Roda (auth.)

Human Rights and Digital Technology: Digital Tightrope
Susan Perry, Claudia Roda (auth.), 2017
Communication In The Era Of Attention Scarcity
Waddick Doyle,Claudia Roda, 2019
Community Action for Conservation: Mexican Experiences
Claudia Camacho-Benavides M.Sc. (auth.), Luciana Porter-Bolland, Isabel Ruiz-Mallén, Claudia Camacho-Benavides, Susannah R. McCandless (eds.), 2013
Global Change: Impacts on Water and food Security
Claudia Ringler, Elizabeth Bryan, Asit Biswas, Sarah A. Cline (auth.), Claudia Ringler, Asit K. Biswas, Sarah Cline (eds.), 2010
Digital Factory for Human-oriented Production Systems: The Integration of International Research Projects
Claudia Redaelli, Giuseppe Riva (auth.), Luca Canetta, Claudia Redaelli, Myrna Flores (eds.), 2011
Adaptive and Integrated Water Management: Coping with Complexity and Uncertainty
Claudia Pahl-Wostl (auth.), Prof. Dr. Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Prof. Dr. Pavel Kabat, Dipl. Geogr. Jörn Möltgen (eds.), 2008
Marketing für Kanzleien und Wirtschaftsprüfer: Ein Praxishandbuch für Anwalts-, Steuerkanzleien und Wirtschaftsprüfungsunternehmen
Claudia Schieblon (auth.), Claudia Schieblon (eds.), 2013
Familie und öffentliche Erziehung: Aufgaben, Abhängigkeiten und gegenseitige Ansprüche
Claudia Bier-Fleiter (auth.), Dr. Claudia Bier-Fleiter (eds.), 2001
Retrospectiva 2021
Abner Vinicius | Adalberto Souza | Alberto Arecchi | Ale Heidenreich | Aléckson da Costa | Alexandra Matos | Angela Dondoni | Asor Almeida | Bárbara Maria | Boris R. Garay | Bruno Greggio | Carina Falchi | Carla Pepe | Carolina Melo | Cecy Q. Raicik | Clarice Dörr | Cláudia D. Mota | Cláudia Marzano | Cláudio Monteiro | Cristina Parreira | Daniel Pimentel | Débora França | Dielson Luz | Ed Santos | Edmilson Jr | Edson Santana | Eduardo Ezus | Elienai Pereira | Elivelson Valderez | Evandro Melo |, 2021
Medienrecht: Band 5 IT-Recht
Artur-Axel Wandtke (editor); Claudia Ohst (editor); Matthias Hartmann (editor); Thomas Hoeren (editor); Gregor Kutzschbach (editor); Claudia Ohst (editor); Jan Pohle (editor); Jan Witzmann (editor), 2014
Agências de Viagens e Turismo. Práticas de Mercado
Claudia Astorino, Debora Braga and Marcela Candioto (Auth.), 2007
Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 9th International Symposium, SSTD 2005, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, August 22-24, 2005. Proceedings
Christian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Petra Linhart (auth.), Claudia Bauzer Medeiros, Max J. Egenhofer, Elisa Bertino (eds.), 2005
A Concise Course on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Claudia Prévôt, Michael Röckner (auth.), 2007
A concise course on stochastic partial differential equations
Claudia Prévôt, Michael Röckner (auth.), 2007
A Concise Course on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Claudia Prévôt, Michael Röckner (auth.), 2007
A Concise Course On Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Claudia Prévôt, Michael Röckner (auth.), 2007
A concise course on stochastic partial differential equations
Claudia Prévôt, Michael Röckner (auth.), 2007
Dynamical Systems: An Introduction
Luis Barreira, Claudia Valls (auth.), 2013
Internationales Marketing-Management
Ralph Berndt, Claudia Fantapié Altobelli, Matthias Sander (auth.), 2010
Damage Control Management in the Polytrauma Patient
Claudia E. Goettler, Michael F. Rotondo, Peter V. Giannoudis (auth.), Hans-Christoph Pape, Andrew Peitzman, C. William Schwab, Peter V. Giannoudis (eds.), 2010
Lévy Matters I: Recent Progress in Theory and Applications: Foundations, Trees and Numerical Issues in Finance
Thomas Duquesne, Oleg Reichmann, Ken-iti Sato, Christoph Schwab (auth.), Ole E Barndorff-Nielsen, Jean Bertoin, Jean Jacod, Claudia Klüppelberg (eds.), 2010
Lévy Matters I: Recent Progress in Theory and Applications: Foundations, Trees and Numerical Issues in Finance
Thomas Duquesne, Oleg Reichmann, Ken-iti Sato, Christoph Schwab (auth.), Ole E Barndorff-Nielsen, Jean Bertoin, Jean Jacod, Claudia Klüppelberg (eds.), 2010
Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 9th International Symposium, SSTD 2005, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, August 22-24, 2005. Proceedings
Christian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Petra Linhart (auth.), Claudia Bauzer Medeiros, Max J. Egenhofer, Elisa Bertino (eds.), 2005
Reasoning Web. Semantic Technologies for the Web of Data: 7th International Summer School 2011, Galway, Ireland, August 23-27, 2011, Tutorial Lectures
Sören Auer, Jens Lehmann (auth.), Axel Polleres, Claudia d’Amato, Marcelo Arenas, Siegfried Handschuh, Paula Kroner, Sascha Ossowski, Peter Patel-Schneider (eds.), 2011