کتاب های Claus Kiefer

Quantum Gravity: From Theory to Experimental Search (Lecture Notes in Physics, 631)
Domenico J. W. Giulini (editor), Claus Kiefer (editor), Claus Lämmerzahl (editor), 2003
Black holes: theory and observation
Friedrich W. Hehl, Claus Kiefer, Ralph J.K. Metzler, 1998
Black Holes: Theory and Observation
Friedrich W. Hehl, Claus Kiefer, Ralph J.K. Metzler, 1998
Black Holes: Theory and Observation
Friedrich W. Hehl, Claus Kiefer, Ralph J.K. Metzler, 1998
Black Holes: Theory and Observation
Friedrich W. Hehl, Claus Kiefer, Ralph J.K. Metzler, 1998
Black Holes: Theory and Observation : Proceedings of the 179th W.E. Heraeus Seminar Held at Bad Honnef, Germany, 18-22 August 1997
Jean-Pierre Luminet (auth.), Friedrich W. Hehl, Claus Kiefer, Ralph J.K. Metzler (eds.), 1998
Basale Soziologie: Hauptprobleme
Prof. Dr. Horst Reimann, Prof. Dr. Bernard Giesen, Prof. Dr. Dieter Goetze, Dr. Klaus Kiefer, Prof. Dr. Peter Meyer, Prof. Dr. Claus Mühlfeld, Prof. Dr. Michael Schmid (auth.), 1991
Quantum Field Theory and Gravity: Conceptual and Mathematical Advances in the Search for a Unified Framework
Claus Kiefer (auth.), 2012
Quantum Field Theory and Gravity: Conceptual and Mathematical Advances in the Search for a Unified Framework
Claus Kiefer (auth.), 2012
Quantum Field Theory and Gravity: Conceptual and Mathematical Advances in the Search for a Unified Framework
Claus Kiefer (auth.), 2012
Claus Kiefer, 2003
Claus Kiefer, 2003
Claus Kiefer, 2003
Claus Kiefer, 2003
Quantum gravity
Claus Kiefer, 2007
Quantum Gravity (International Series of Monographs on Physics)
Claus Kiefer, 2007
Quantum Gravity 2nd ed (International Series of Monographs on Physics)
Claus Kiefer, 2007
Quantum gravity, Second Edition
Claus Kiefer, 2007
Quantum Gravity: From Theory to Experimental Search
Claus Kiefer (auth.), 2003
Gravitationswellen: Einblicke in Theorie, Vorhersage und Entdeckung
Domenico Giulini, Claus Kiefer (auth.), 2017