کتاب های Claus Zittel (eds.)

Conflicting Values of Inquiry: Ideologies of Epistemology in Early Modern Europe
Tamas Demeter, Kathryn Murphy, Claus Zittel (eds.), 2014
Philosophies of Technology: Francis Bacon and His Contemporaries (Intersections : Yearbook for Early Modern Studies 11 2-2008)
Claus Zittel, Engel, Romano Nanni, Nicole C. Karafyllis, 2008
The artist as reader : on education and non-education of early modern artists
Thimann, Michael; Damm, Heiko; Zittel, Claus, 2013
Wissensideale und Wissenskulturen in der frühen Neuzeit / Ideals and cultures of knowledge in early modern Europe
Detel, Wolfgang; Zittel, Claus, 2002
Science as Cultural Practice Vol. I: Cultures and Politics of Research from the Early Modern Period to the Age of Extremes
Epple, Moritz / Zittel, Claus, 2014