کتاب های Cohen S.

Family Secrets: Shame and Privacy in Modern Britain
Deborah Cohen, 2013
Sleep & Dreaming. Origins, Nature and Functions
D. Cohen and H. J. Eysenck (Auth.), 1979
Gulf War Air Power Survey, Volume I: Planning and Command and Control
Eliot Cohen, Gulf War Air Power Survey Review Committee (U.S.), 1994
Cartooning: Character Design
Editors Of Walter Foster, Sherm Cohen, 2006
Lethal Arrhythmias Resulting from Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction: Proceedings of the Second Rappaport Symposium
W. J. Lederer, J. R. Berlin, N. M. Cohen, C. G. Nichols, G. L. Smith, M. B. Cannell (auth.), Michael R. Rosen M.D., Yoram Palti M.D., Ph.D. (eds.), 1989
Biomagnetism: An Interdisciplinary Approach
David Cohen (auth.), Samuel J. Williamson, Gian-Luca Romani, Lloyd Kaufman, Ivo Modena (eds.), 1983
American National Security and Civil Liberties in an Era of Terrorism
David B. Cohen, John W. Wells (eds.), 2004
Technology and the Early Modern Self
Adam Max Cohen (auth.), 2009
A Heaven of Others
Joshua Cohen, 2008
Athenian Economy and Society: A Banking Perspective
Edward E. Cohen, 1992
Advances in Digital Forensics VII: 7th IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics, Orlando, FL, USA, January 31 – February 2, 2011, Revised Selected Papers
Fred Cohen, Julie Lowrie, Charles Preston (auth.), Gilbert Peterson, Sujeet Shenoi (eds.), 2011
Nuklearmedizin / Nuclear Medicine: Teil 1A Radiopharmaka · Gerätetechnik Strahlenschutz/Part 1A Radiopharmaceuticals Instrumentation Technology Radiation Protection
Dr. R. Berberich, Frau Dr. M. Besnard, Ing. B. Braun, Professor Dr. Y. Cohen, Dipl.-Phys. J. Fitschen, Dr. P. Gielow, Dr. H. I. Glass, Dr. H. Henseler, Dr. R. Hindel, Professor Dipl.-Ing. K. Jordan, Dr. D. Junker, Dipl.-Phys. K. Kasperek, Dr.-Ing. V. Klement, Dr. R. A. Krause, Dr. M. Löffler, Professor Dr. W. J. Lorenz, Dr. R. Maushart, Dr. P. Meyer, Professor Dr. E. Oberhausen, Professor Dr. R. Wolf (auth.), Professor Dr. H. Hundeshagen (eds.), 1980
Madame Bovary
Gustave Flaubert, Margaret Cohen, 2004
The B2B social media book: become a marketing superstar by generating leads with blogging, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, email, and more
Kipp Bodnar, Jeffrey L. Cohen, 2012
The ladder of competitiveness: how to climb it
Orsetta Causa, Daniel Cohen, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Development Centre, 2006
Critical Thinking in the Obstetrics Unit: Skills to Assess, Analyze, and Act
Shelley Cohen, 2006
Why Your Life Sucks
Alan Cohen, 2005
Academia and the Luster of Capital
Sande Cohen, 1993
Wonder in Shakespeare
Adam Max Cohen (auth.), 2012
Atom-Photon Interactions: Basic Processes and Applications (Wiley Science Paperback Series)
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, 1998
Atom - Photon Interactions: Basic Process and Appilcations
Claude Cohen?Tannoudji, 1998