کتاب های Cole Howard

A Guide to Lean Six Sigma Management Skills
Howard S Gitlow, 2009
Catastrophe Modeling: A New Approach to Managing Risk
Patricia Grossi, Howard Kunreuther, 2004
Digital Day Trading; Moving from One Winning Stock Position to the Next
Howard Abell, 1999
Theory of Light Hydrogenic Bound States
Michael I. Eides, Howard Grotch, Valery A. Shelyuto (auth.), 2007
Selected Areas in Cryptography: 5th Annual International Workshop, SAC’98 Kingston, Ontario, Canada, August 17–18, 1998 Proceedings
Helena Handschuh, Serge Vaudenay (auth.), Howard Heys, Carlisle Adams (eds.), 1999
Selected Areas in Cryptography: 8th Annual International Workshop, SAC 2001 Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 16–17, 2001 Revised Papers
John Malone-Lee, Nigel P. Smart (auth.), Kaisa Nyberg, Howard Heys (eds.), 2001
Advances in Multimedia Information Processing – PCM 2007: 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Hong Kong, China, December 11-14, 2007. Proceedings
Yijuan Lu, Jingsheng Ma, Qi Tian (auth.), Horace H.-S. Ip, Oscar C. Au, Howard Leung, Ming-Ting Sun, Wei-Ying Ma, Shi-Min Hu (eds.), 2007
Basic English Grammar: For English Language Learners
Howard Sargeant, 2007
Basic English Grammar: For English Language Learners: Book 2
Howard Sargeant, 2007
A First Look at ASP.NET v. 2.0
Alex Homer, Dave Sussman, Rob Howard, 2004
Achieve Sales Excellence: The 7 Customer Rules for Becoming the New Sales Professional
Howard Stevens, Theodore Kinni, 2006
Adventure Guide to the Bahamas
Blair Howard, 2003
Adventure Guide to the Georgia and Carolina Coasts
Blair Howard, Norman Renouf, Kathy Renouf, 2000
Adventure Guide to the Great Smoky Mountains
Blair Howard, 2001
Quantum Computation and Information: Ams Special Session Quantum Computation and Information, Washington, D.C., January 19-21, 2000
Jr. Samuel J. Lomonaco, Howard E. Brandt (ed.), 2002
Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Metals
J. Gilbert Kaufman, Stephen R. Crosby, Paul J. Sikorsky, Howard W. Sizek, 2000
Classical Electrodynamics
Tung Tsang, USA), Tung Tsang Howard Univ., 1998
Applications of neutron powder diffraction
Erich H. Kisi, Christopher J. Howard, 2008
Chess Problem Gems by Eight Eminent American Composers
Kenneth S. Howard, 1973
Environmental Health Impacts of Transport and Mobility
P. Nicolopoulou-Stamati, L. Hens, C.V. Howard, 2010
Environmental Health Impacts of Transport and Mobility (Environmental Science and Technology Library)
P. Nicolopoulou-Stamati, L. Hens, C.V. Howard, 2006
MindScience: An East-West Dialogue
His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Herbert Benson, Howard E. Gardner, Daniel Goleman, Robert A.F. Thurman, Harvard Mind Science Symposium, 1999