کتاب های Colin Ross

Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series)
Colin Fay, Sébastien Rochette, Vincent Guyader, Cervan Girard, 2021
Revolutionary Rehearsals in the Neoliberal Age
Colin Barker (editor), Gareth Dale (editor), Neil Davidson (editor), 2021
Visual Thinking for Information Design
Colin Ware, 2021
Visual Thinking for Information Design
Colin Ware, 2021
Guinness Jazz-zenészek lexikona
Colin Larkin, Boris János, 1993
Guinness Jazz-zenészek lexikona
Colin Larkin, Boris János, 1993
Guinness Jazz-zenészek lexikona
Colin Larkin, Boris János, 1993
Colin Falconer, 2015
Colin Falconer, 2012
Aftershocks: Pandemic Politics and the End of the Old International Order
Colin Kahl; Thomas Wright, 2021
The Entropy Exhibition: Michael Moorcock and the British "New Wave" in Science Fiction
Colin Greenland, 2013
Cost and management accounting
Colin Drury, 2020
Colin Woodard, 2014
T. Colin Campbell, Thomas M. Campbell, 2012
Rift-Related Coarse-Grained Submarine Fan Reservoirs; the Brae Play, South Viking Graben, North Sea
Colin C. Turner (editor); B. T. Cronin (editor), 2018
Education and Social Media: Toward a Digital Future
Christine Greenhow, Julia Sonnevend, Colin Agur, 2016
Welcome to Britain: Fixing Our Broken Immigration System
Colin Yeo, 2020
A Working Class State of Mind
Colin Burnett, 2021
Heat, Pneuma, and Soul in Ancient Philosophy and Science
Hynek Bartoš (editor), Colin Guthrie King (editor), 2020
The Dating of "Beowulf"
Colin Chase (ed.), 1997
The Dating of "Beowulf"
Colin Chase (ed.), 1997