کتاب های Cong Ma

Transactions on Computational Science I
Phan Cong Vinh, 2008
Multilevel Optimization in Vlsicad
Jason Cong, 2003
Chinesische psychosomatische Medizin
Lin Cong (auth.), 2015
Mô học (bài giảng lưu hành nội bộ)
Trần Công Yên, 2004
EPD Congress 2016
Antoine Allanore, Laura Bartlett, Cong Wang, Lifeng Zhang, Jonghyun Lee (eds.), 2016
Materials Processing Fundamentals
Lifeng Zhang Ph.D., Antoine Allanore M.Sc., Ph.D., Cong Wang Ph.D., M.S., B.S., Dr. James A. Yurko Ph.D., B.S.E., Justin Crapps Ph.D. (eds.), 2016
Energy Technology 2015: Carbon Dioxide Management and Other Technologies
Animesh Jha, Cong Wang, Neale R. Neelameggham, Donna P. Guillen, Li Li, Cynthia K. Belt, Randolph Kirchain, Jeffrey S. Spangenberger, Frank Johnson, Andrew Jewel Gomes, Amit Pandey, Peter Hosemann (eds.), 2016
REWAS 2013: Enabling Materials Resource Sustainability
Anne Kvithyld, Christina Meskers, Randolph Kirchain, Gregory Krumdick, Brajendra Mishra, Markus Reuter, Cong Wang, Mark Schlesinger, Gabrielle Gaustad Ph.D., Diana Lados, Jeffrey Spangenberger (eds.), 2016
Nature of Computation and Communication: Second International Conference, ICTCC 2016, Rach Gia, Vietnam, March 17-18, 2016, Revised Selected Papers
Phan Cong Vinh, Leonard Barolli (eds.), 2016
Targeting the IL-17 Pathway in Inflammatory Disorders
Cong-Qiu Chu (auth.), 2017
Stability of Kam Tori for Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation
Hongzi Cong, Jianjun Liu, Xiaoping Yuan, 2016
EPD Congress 2014 : proceedings of a symposia sponsored by the Extraction & Processing Division (EPD) of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) held during TMS 2014, 143rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Februrary 16-20, 2014, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA
Yurko, Lifeng Zhang, Antoine Allanore, Cong Wang, Jeffrey S. Spangenberger, Randolph E. Kirchain, Jerome P. Downey, Lawrence D. May, 2014
Innovation in China: Challenging the Global Science and Technology System
Richard P Appelbaum; Denis Simon; Cong Cao; Xueying Han; Rachel Parker, 2018
DQ Series: Taoist astronomical art of calligraphy
li cong ming, 2013
DQ Series: Taoist astronomical art of calligraphy
li cong ming, 2013
Deterministic Learning Theory. For Identification, Recognition and Control
CongWang, David J. Hill, 2010
Transformative Journeys: Travel and Culture in Song China
Cong Ellen Zhang, 2010
Chinese Funerary Biographies: An Anthology of Remembered Lives
Patricia Buckley Ebrey; Ping Yao; Cong Ellen Zhang, 2020
Record of the Listener: Selected Stories from Hong Mai's Yijian Zhi
Cong Ellen Zhang, 2018
Auction Theory for Computer Networks
Dusit Niyato, Nguyen Cong Luong, Ping Wang, Zhu Han, 2020
Targeting the IL-17 Pathway in Inflammatory Disorders
Cong-Qiu Chu, 2017