کتاب های Dániel Marx (auth.)

Development, implementation and verification of dynamic analysis models for multi-spherical sliding bearings
Daniel M. Fenz, Michael C. Constantinou, 2008
Embedded software
Bruce A. Fette, Roberto AielloPh.D., Praphul Chandra, Daniel M. Dobkin, Dan Bensky, Douglas B. Miron, David Lide, Farid Dowla, Ron Olexa, 2004
Embedded software
Bruce A. Fette, Roberto AielloPh.D., Praphul Chandra, Daniel M. Dobkin, Dan Bensky, Douglas B. Miron, David Lide, Farid Dowla, Ron Olexa, 2004
Know it All. Wireless Networking
Praphul Chandra, Daniel M. Dobkin, Dan Bensky, Ron Olexa, David Lide, Farid Dowla, 2007
RF & Wireless Technologies (Newnes Know It All)
Bruce A. Fette, Ph.D., Roberto Aiello, Praphul Chandra, Daniel M. Dobkin, Alan Bensky, Douglas B. Miron, David Lide, Farid Dowla, Ron Olexa, 2007
Wireless networking
Praphul Chandra, Daniel M. Dobkin, Dan Bensky, Ron Olexa, David Lide, Farid Dowla, 2008
A first course in infinitesimal calculus
Daniel A Murray, 1903
Complex Systems Design & Management Asia: Designing Smart Cities: Proceedings of the First Asia - Pacific Conference on Complex Systems Design & Management, CSD&M Asia 2014
Michel-Alexandre Cardin, Daniel Krob, Pao Chuen Lui, Yang How Tan, Kristin Wood (eds.), 2015
Smart Cities as Democratic Ecologies
Daniel Araya (eds.), 2015
Computer Explorations in Signals and Systems Using MATLAB
John R. Buck, Michael M. Daniel, Andrew C. Singer, 1997
T.T. Chen Honorary Symposium on Hydrometallurgy, Electrometallurgy and Materials Characterization
Shijie Wang, J. E. Dutrizac, Michael L. Free, James Y. Hwang, Daniel Kim, 2012
Pashto, Waneci, Ormuri (Sociolinguistic Survey of Northern Pakistan, 4)
Daniel G. Hallberg, 2004
HDTV for dummies
Daniel D Briere; Patrick J Hurley, 2005
Home theater for dummies
Daniel D Briere; Patrick J Hurley
Wireless home networking for dummies
Daniel D Briere; Walter R Bruce; Patrick J Hurley, 2003
Wireless network hacks & mods for dummies
Daniel D Briere; Patrick J Hurley, 2005
Wireless network hacks & mods for dummies
Daniel D Briere; Patrick J Hurley, 2005
''Have You Seen, Son of Man?'': A Study of the Translation and Vorlage of LXX Ezekiel 40-48
Daniel M. O'Hare, 2010
High Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials 7
Steinmetz, Pierre; Wright, Ian G.; Galerie, Alain; Monceau, Daniel; Mathieu, Stéphane (Eds.), 2008
Quantum fields and strings: A course for mathematicians
Pierre Deligne, Pavel Etingof, Daniel S. Freed, Lisa C. Jeffrey, David Kazhdan, John W. Morgan, David R. Morrison, Edward Witten, 1999
Quantum fields and strings: A course for mathematicians
Pierre Deligne, Pavel Etingof, Daniel S. Freed, Lisa C. Jeffrey, David Kazhdan, John W. Morgan, David R. Morrison, Edward Witten, 1999
Advances in Food Science and Nutrition, Volume 2
Visakh P. M., Laura B. Iturriaga, Pablo Daniel Ribotta, 2013
Attention and Effort (Experimental Psychology)
Daniel Kahneman, 1973
Cognition, Vol. 7, No. 4
Jose Morais, Luz Cary, Jesus Alegria, Paul Bertelson, Guy Woodruff, David Premack, J. Langford, V.M. Holmes, L. Jonathan Cohen, Daniel Kahneman, Amos Tversky, Andrew W. Ellis & Anthony F. Jorm, 1979