کتاب های D. Ian Pool

Population, Resources and Development: Riding the Age Waves
Ian Pool, Vipan Prachuabmoh, Shripad Tuljapurkar (auth.), Shripad Tuljapurkar, Ian Pool, Vipan Prachuabmoh (eds.), 2005
Who Financed Hitler: The Secret Funding of Hitler’s Rise to Power, 1919–1933
James E. Pool, III, Suzanne Pool, 1978
Ageing in Advanced Industrial States: Riding the Age Waves - Volume 3
Ian Pool (auth.), 2010
Colonization and Development in New Zealand between 1769 and 1900: The Seeds of Rangiatea
Ian Pool (auth.), 2015
The New Zealand Family, 1840-2005: A Demographic History
D.Ian Pool, Arunachalam Dharmalingam, Janet Sceats, 2007
Te Iwi Maori
Ian Pool, 1991
Bioinformatics: Converting Data to Knowledge, Workshop Summary
Robert Pool, 2002
Bioinformatics: Converting Data to Knowledge, Workshop Summary
Robert Pool, 2002
Bioinformatics: converting data to knowledge: a workshop summary
Robert Pool, 2002
Identifying and reducing environmental health risks of chemicals in our society : workshop summary
Pool, Robert; Rusch, Erin, 2014
Principles of Clinical Medicine for Space Flight
Astronaut and Physician Michael R. Barratt M.D.,M.S. (auth.), Astronaut and Physician Michael R. Barratt M.D.,M.S., Chief Sam L. Pool M.D. (eds.), 2008
Drug Treatment in Obstetrics: A Handbook of Prescribing
R. S. Ledward BSc (Manchester), MR Pharm. Soc., MB, ChB (L’pool), DA, DM (N’ham), LRCP, MRCS, MRSH, FRCS, FRCOG, DHMSA, D. F. Hawkins BSc, PhD, DSc, MB, BS (Lond), MD (Mass), FRCOG, FACOG, L. Stern MD, FRCP(C) (auth.), 1991
Exploring horizons for domestic animal genomics: workshop summary
Robert Pool, Kim Waddell, National Research Council (U.S.). Board on Agriculture, 2002
358 Yang-Mills Fields and Extension Theory
Robert Pool, 1987
American Composer Zenobia Powell Perry: Race and Gender in the 20th Century
Jeannie Gayle Pool, 2008
What Jane Austen ate and ...
Daniel Pool, 1993
Bioinformatics: converting data to knowledge : a workshop summary
Robert Pool, 2000
Ecological Monitoring of Genetically Modified Crops: A Workshop Summary
Robert Pool, 2002
Ecological Monitoring of Genetically Modified Crops: A Workshop Summary
Robert Pool, 2002
Ecological Monitoring of Genetically Modified Crops: A Workshop Summary
Robert Pool, 2001
Fat : Fighting the Obesity Epidemic
Robert Pool, 2001