کتاب های D. A. Rappoport

Dicoordinated Carbocations.html
Zvi Rappoport, Peter Stang, 1998
Basketball's Top 10 Slam Dunkers
Ken Rappoport, 2011
The Chemistry of Anilines
Zvi Rappoport, 2007
The Chemistry of Cyclopropyl Group
Zvi Rappoport, 1987
The Chemistry of Dienes and Polyenes Volume 1
Zvi Rappoport, 1997
The Chemistry of Diens and Polyenes
Zvi Rappoport, 2000
The Chemistry of Enamines
Zvi Rappoport, 1994
The Chemistry of Hydroxylamines, Oximes and Hydroxamic Acids
Zvi Rappoport, Joel F. Liebman, 2009
The Chemistry of Organic Derivatives of Gold and Silver
Saul Patai, Zvi Z. Rappoport, 1999
The Chemistry of Organic Derivatives of Gold and Silver
Saul Patai, Zvi Rappoport, 1999
The Chemistry of Organic Germanium, Tin and Lead Compounds
Zvi Rappoport, 2002
The Chemistry of Organic Germanium, Tin and Lead Compounds
Zvi Z. Rappoport, 2003
The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds
Saul Patai, Zvi Rappoport, 1989
The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds
Y Apeloig, Zvi Rappoport, Yitzhak Apeloig, 1998
The chemistry of organic silicon compounds
Zvi Rappoport, Yitzhak Apeloig, 2001
The Chemistry of Organolithium Compounds
Zvi Rappoport, Ilan Marek, 2004
The Chemistry of Organolithium Compounds.
Zvi Rappoport, Ilan Marek, 2006
The chemistry of Organomagnesium Compounds
Zvi Rappoport, Ilan Marek, 2008
The Chemistry of Organozinc Compounds
Zvi Rappoport, Ilan Marek, 2006
The Chemistry of Phenols
Zvi Rappoport, 2003
The chemistry of sulphones and sulphoxides
Saul Patai, Zvi Rappoport, C. Stirling, 1988
The chemistry of sulphonik acids, esters and their derivatives
Saul Patai, Zvi Rappoport, 1999
Ancient Israel: v.1: Myths and Legends (Myths & legends)
Angelo S. Rappoport, 1995
Ancient Israel: v.3: Myths and Legends (Myths & legends)
Angelo S. Rappoport, 1995