کتاب های D. M. P. Mingos (eds.)

Bonding and Charge Distribution in Polyoxometalates: A Bond Valence Approach
K. H. Tytko, J. Mehmke, D. Kurad (auth.), Prof. Allen J. Bard, Prof. Ian G. Dance, Prof. Peter Day FRS, Prof. James A. Ibers, Prof. Toyohi Kunitake, Prof. Thomas J. Meyer, Prof. D. Michael P. Mingos, Prof. Herbert W. Roesky, Prof. Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Prof. Arndt Simon, Prof. Fred Wudl (eds.), 1999
Bioinorganic Chemistry: Trace Element Evolution from Anaerobes to Aerobes
Juan C. Fontecilla-Camps (auth.), Prof. Michael J. Clarke, Prof. John B. Goodenough, Prof. Christian K. Jørgensen, Prof. David M. P. Mingos, Prof. Graham A. Palmer, Prof. Peter J. Sadler, Prof. Raymond Weiss, Prof. Robert J. P. Williams (eds.), 1998
Supramolecular Assembly via Hydrogen Bonds I
Andrew D. Burrows (auth.), D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.), 2004
Supramolecular Assembly via Hydrogen Bonds II
Dario Braga, Lucia Maini, Marco Polito (auth.), D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.), 2004
Applications of Density Functional Theory to Biological and Bioinorganic Chemistry
Dennis R. Salahub, Aurélien de la Lande (auth.), Mihai V. Putz, D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.), 2013
Applications of Density Functional Theory to Chemical Reactivity
Mihai V. Putz (auth.), Mihai V. Putz, D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.), 2012
Semiconductor Nanocrystals and Silicate Nanoparticles
Allen J. Bard, Zhifeng Ding, Noseung Myung (auth.), X. Peng, D. M. P. Mingos (eds.), 2005
Semiconductor nanocrystals and silicate nanoparticles
Allen J. Bard, Zhifeng Ding, Noseung Myung (auth.), X. Peng, D. M. P. Mingos (eds.), 2005
Semiconductor Nanocrystals and Silicate Nanoparticles
Allen J. Bard, Zhifeng Ding, Noseung Myung (auth.), X. Peng, D. M. P. Mingos (eds.), 2005
Gold Clusters, Colloids and Nanoparticles I
D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.), 2014
Gold Clusters, Colloids and Nanoparticles II
D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.), 2014
Nitrosyl Complexes in Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Medicine I
D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.), 2014
Nitrosyl Complexes in Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Medicine II
D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.), 2014
50 Years of Structure and Bonding – The Anniversary Volume
D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.), 2016
The Chemical Bond II: 100 Years Old and Getting Stronger
D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.), 2016
The Chemical Bond I: 100 Years Old and Getting Stronger
D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.), 2016
The Chemical Bond III: 100 years old and getting stronger
D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.), 2017
Liquid Crystals II
D.M.P. Mingos, D.W. Bruce, P. Davidson, B. Donnio, J.W. Goodby, D. Guillon, C.T. Imrie, 1999
Liquid Crystals I
Mingos D.M.P., 1999
Liquid Crystals II
Mingos D.M.P., 1999
Complexes, Clusters and Crystal Chemistry (Structure and Bonding, Volume 79)
David Michael P. Mingos, 1992
Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry 3ed Vol 01
DMP Mingos, 2007
Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry 3ed Vol 06 Grp 8
DMP Mingos, 2007